Tom & Chloe pt.1

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Chloe was woken up to Dee kicking her in the side. "Dee." She yawned, rubbing her eyes.

"Mm?" She responded, lids still closed.

"Your kicking me."

"No I'm not."

Chloe sat up and looked at her. "Yes you are."

Dee rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She yawned, sitting up as well. She pulled her knees into her chest as she rubbed her eye with her tiny fist. "What time is it?"

Chloe shrugged. "Check your phone."

"Daddy has my phone right now. He doesn't trust me not to go to big girl websites when he's asleep." She stretched out her legs. "Go check your phone."

"Okay." Chloe pushed her pink blanket off her, crawling out of the pillow fort. She stood, tripping over her drowsy self until she reached her pink duffel bag. She dug out her phone. "It's 9:32, Dee."

She giggled to herself as she heard Dee loudly groan. She turned her attention back to her phone, unlocking it to see Tom had already texted her this morning. She let out a content noise, happy he didn't forget about her.

She jumped out of her skin when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She smiled, realizing it was Jake. "Yu scawed me's." She giggled.

He laughed. "Sorry little one, I was just checking to see if you were okay."

Chloe nodded. "I's gwod."

Jake gave her a genuine smile. She watched as he walked over to Dee, who was still in the fort, trying to wake herself up. Dee crawled onto his lap, snuggling her head into the side of his neck.

A notification drew Chloe's eyes to her phone again. Tom had texted that he'll be over to pick her up at 10:00 a.m. She smiled to herself, excited she'd get to be in his arms again.

"Chloe," Jake began, "Dee said she needs to potty, do you have to use the bathroom too?"

Now that she's thought about it, her bladder was filled with pressure. She nodded her head. "Yes Sur."

The rest of Sunday morning was spent eating breakfast, and packing up all of Chloe's stray belongings. A knock came from the door, and her face immediately lit up with joy. Jake turned the knob, holding Chloe's hand in his left palm.

"Hi baby!" Tom exclaimed. "I missed you!"

Chloe giggled and she gave him a big hug. "I misses yu to daddy!" She let out a squeal as Tom picked her up, sitting her on the side of his waist.

He kissed her forehead, moving her messy morning hair out of her face. "Was she good for you, Jake?"

Jake smiled. "Very good." He twirled a piece of her hair around his finger.

"What do you say to Mr. Gyllenhaal for allowing you to stay the night darling?" Tom questioned.

Chloe looked into Jake's piercing blue eyes. "Tank yu for leting me's come ova."

Jake chuckled. "Your very welcome, and you can come back anytime you want honey, okay?"

She nodded. "Kay."

Dee walked up behind Jake. "By by Clo! C yu at school t'morow!"

"Se yu tomorow!"

With that, Tom turned and carried Chloe down the hall. He hummed as she tucked her head into his neck. "I misses yu a lot daddy." She almost whispered.

Tom smiled. He kissed her warm cheek. "I missed you too doll. It's lonely without your cute giggles."

She softly laughed.

A few minor conversations later, and they were at his dorm's door. He pushed it open, letting Chloe drop down from his side. "So bug, what do you want to do?"

She yawned. "Can I's nap? I's tiwed daddy."

Tom nodded. "Course cutie." He picked her up again, setting her on the edge of his bed. He untied her shoelaces, throwing them in the floor.

He then lifted her from underneath her arms, setting her down in her crib. He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "Daddy loves you, very much Chloe."

She giggled. "I luv yu two." She sat up on her knees, kissing his cheek.

"Good morning everyone! I am happy to say that two months of living with your instructors has come to an end!" Mr. Downey cheered. "Since tomorrow is Monday, there will be no school, giving you time to pack your things. Have a good rest of your weekend!"

Tom's heart sank. He dropped his head, letting out a deep sigh. He raised his head quickly when he heard sniffles coming from Chloe. She had tears running down her cheeks, getting into her mouth. "Chloe, what's wrong?" He asked.

Chloe's bottom lip quivered. "Ion w-wanna l-leave yu again daddy." She cried. Her breathing was becoming very unsteady, causing Tom to get scared.

"Hey," he picked her up, "ssh ssh, it's okay my love." He caressed the back of her head. "You can stay with me again in another two months. And you'll get to see me every morning before-"

"Nuu!!" She shrieked. "I wanna stay wif yu nows!" She cried into his shoulder, her eyes so fogged up with tears she could barely see. She definitely wasn't tired anymore.

Tom felt a tear stroll down his face, reaching the bottom of his chin. "Baby," his voice cracked, "the only way you can stay with me permanently is if I become your permanent instructor."

She let out another loud sob. He'd never heard her cry like this before, and it was breaking him into pieces. He sat down on the bed, moving her to where he was cradling her like an infant. He began rocking her body back and forth, listening to her heartbreaking cries. "It's okay darling." He soothed. "I promise you'll be okay."

Once Chloe's crying had subsided, she finally decided to speak what was on her mind. "Okay." She whispered.

Tom looked down into her brown eyes. "Okay what sugar?"

"I want you to keep me, daddy." She sniffled. "Please?"

Tom smiled, a great, big, gigantic, smile. "Of course I'll keep you." He leaned down, pressing his lips to hers.

Chloe felt waves of peace wash over her as they kissed. He always made her feel better. She sat up straight, still keeping her lips pressed to his. She whined when he pulled away.

"But if you're serious about this, we need to go to Mr. Downey's office before moving starts tomorrow, and fill out the paperwork."

She nodded. "Okay sir." She moved off his lap, grabbing her shoes from the floor.

Marvel's Little SchoolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora