Ice Cream

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"What flavor do you want pie?" Tom asked, pulling a few dollars out of his wallet.

Chloe tugged on his arm sleeve, signaling for him to bend down. "Stawbewwy." She whispered into his ear.

He nodded his head, and handed the ice cream man his money. "One strawberry, with a cone please."

Chloe was so excited she started jumping up and down. When the man came back, and handed the ice cream to Tom, she basically ripped it out of his hand.

"Chloe." He growled, cocking his eyebrow.

"Sowwy, i's just rlly luvs ice cweam."

Tom chuckled at her innocence, and held her hand, walking to a nearby picnic table. They sat opposite of each other. He watched as her eyes grew bigger with every lick she took. She was adorable.

Tom felt butterflies beginning to rise in his stomach. Weird. He's never experienced this feeling towards any of his past littles. The way Chloe acted, talked, and even walked was different from anyone he's ever trained.

He cleared his throat. "So, why are you a little?"

Chloe stopped licking her ice cream, and turned her head to the side. "What do you mean?"

"Well you don't dress like one most of the time, and your very adultish compared to some of the others I've worked with." He held her hand underneath the table. "And you're pretty."

Chloe pulled her hand away and blushed. "I- um." She sighed. "It's a coping mechanism. I never really had a childhood. And I just get scared sometimes." Her eyes became glassy.

"I didn't mean to upset you baby. I was just curious. Sorry." Tom apologized.

"It's okay." Chloe wiped her eyes, getting ice cream on her forehead. "Shit." She looked at Tom, and bit her lip. "I'm sorry, it just came out-"

As angered as he was, he decided he'd let it go, seeing that she was having a good time. "I'll let it slide, but what have I told you about manners? And don't bite your lips like that darling."

"Sorry." She grabbed a nearby napkin, and wiped her face. After, she began eating her ice cream again.

A few more conversations were had, but before Chloe could finish her treat, she saw a butterfly. She loves butterflies. She jumped up from the table, dropping her ice cream, and chased it.

As she began running after it, her ankle twisted again, and she slid onto the ground. She rolled over onto her back, and gasped when she saw the blood pouring down from her knee. "Mmm daddy!" She cried.

Tom, who was picking up her ice cream, threw it away, and walked over to her, furious. "Can you not be good for two seconds Chloe?!" He yelled.

Her lip pouted, and tears fell from her eyes. "But the buttafly-"

"I don't care about the butterfly!" He huffed, and picked her up. "We're going back to school. Fun days over."

Chloe began crying and whining louder. "Nuu! I wanna stay!" She twisted and turned in his arms, making it difficult for him to carry her.

He popped her on the butt, making her squeal. "I knew I shouldn't have let you break the rules."

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