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he sits down next to me and joins the conversation. I look up at him while he smiles and laughs with the group. He looks so happy. So much more comfortable. we stay for almost 2 more hours before we decide to head back to our dorms. I and rave invite pansy over, just so she doesn't feel left out. we all talk and gossip about the boys and then we all lay down and listen to music until lights out. Pansy leaves and we all go to bed.

the next day we head to the great hall, for a meeting. we sit down and Dumbledore announces the yule ball (no tri wizard tournament just the ball). everyone starts to whisper and chatter all very excited. Matteo sits there almost unbothered by the chatter and excitement around. 

i place my hand onto his thigh but when he still doesn't react I become bothered and run it up slightly, now it is sitting at the very top of his thigh. slight notice but no excitement from him so I continue, pushing my hand up to his beltline and sliding into his pants where he smirks intensely and grabs my arm. and places it back onto his thigh. "nice try" he says smirking at me.

"oh what do you mean?" I ask acting oblivious. Everyone is still talking about where they are going to go and what dress they are looking for. I was so excited, that this weekend I and Rave had planned to go to Hogsmeade to find out dresses. the rest of the week passes and it's now Saturday, all of us head to Hogsmeade and we watch as all the girls run to the dress shops and the boys head to the three broomsticks.

When we walk into the shops, every little corner is bustling with girls looking for the 'perfect dress'. I and rave are overwhelmed by the girls and we head straight back out the door. We stand outside and decide to come back another time. But as we make our way to join the boys Rave points out a little shop hidden by vines and leaves. she only noticed it by the sign out front.

'all dress wear 50 per cent off, get it while you can' it read and Rave drags me over. as we make our way over it becomes darker and colder although it was quite comforting. we head through the door and the bell above us rings and the door swings back and forth. 

A woman pops out from behind the counter, she looks at us with shock. "oh hello girls, anything, in particular, you are looking for" she says quite timid. "oh no just came for a nosy" Rave says with a smile. instantly Rave's eyes are drawn to a dress stuck to a mannequin. Navy blue and black tones that shimmer slightly. "holy crap" she exclaims running towards the dress. "can I try this on," she says peering around the corner.

"of course, but this one here is the last one" she unvails it off of the mannequin and shows Rave to the changing rooms. Rave comes out and says it's perfect but the length needs slight adjustment at the waist and the length. The lady smiles that she finally has service and heads out to the back to fix it up. I keep looking while Rave waits anxiously for the dress.

I start searching through the many racks until I reach the one at the back corner. I go through the last of the rack until I see the one at the end buried underneath the puffy blue one. I pull the blue dress aside and begin to admire the forest green silk dress that is slightly crumpled.

I ask the lady at the front to try it on and she glances at the dress "oh wow what a beautiful dress, I haven't seen that in years I almost forgot I made it" she smile and leads me into a camp changing room. I slip on the beautiful silk dress and pull up the zipper. It- it fits perfect, it complements my shape perfectly and the colour is absolutely stunning.  

POWERFUL// Matteo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now