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The train is coming to a halt and everyone puts on their robes. we all talk loudly as we walk out of the train and rave throws me onto her back. she jumps off the train while piggybacking me and we all make our way towards the school. Kai runs up to me and Rave, as he gets closer i can anticipate his next move as he tries to leap on to the back of Rave and I. We all fall to the ground and as rave jumps up i slid back onto the wet cold.  we all burst out laughing as every one walks over the top. then as a young man walks over we make eye contact as his foot brushes over the top of my leg. he laughs while trying not step on me. He has a quick look back and smirks as he walks off. Kai grabs me from under my shoulders and pulls me up as i watch him walk away.

"cmon were behind the others" Rave says as she pulls us along. We walk to the front of the great hall and the doors open we all wander in and take a seat at the Slytherin table, right at the back so we can talk and do stupid stuff without getting yelled at. Me and Rave pick out who we think are gonna be in what house as all the 1st years walk through. She points out the guy at the back "ooo he's hot, he must be the new 6th year everyones talking about
, wouldn't mind a taste of that" she says eyeing him down. I laugh and say "not before i do" she looks at me and says "you wish" we laugh and watch them sit in front of Dumbledore. " SILENCE" he shouts making everyone stop what the are doing and look to the front.

"please welcome out first years and our new addition to 6th year" he announces. Me and Rave shoot glances at each other. Both of us looking really excited. "lets start with our sixth year, Matteo riddle" everyone whispers and chuckles. disbelief how the hell did he get in here by using riddle as his last name. shocked faces filled the room and harry turns pale as can be. he looks down into his hands fiddling with his thumbs. Matteo gets up and heads to the seat. The sorting hat is placed onto his head and the hat pauses for a second whispering something for only Matteo to hear.h\ Then the hat yells "SLYTHERIN". He stands up with a slight grin and heads to the table where Blaise and Draco greet him. me, kai and rave are all talking about the dark lord, and i mention the name Voldemort. they look at me in shock "don't mention his name" kai says. i look at them with disappointment "its just an name" i say. he laughs and says "i'm just kidding, geez".

The rest of the 1st years get sorted and we feast on all fo the food in front of us. i eat nothing but sweat and cakes. Rave grabs a cake covered in buttercream and smashes it straight in my face, all over my nose and mouth. i laugh "you bitch" i say and gab a cupcake of the same plate and shove it in he mouth. she hate cakes. she laughs and spits it back onto me. i jump up and everyone looks at me. i wave and shout "nice view right" and sit back down a bit embarrassed. Kai grabs my hand and i sit back down. but as i sit i see Matteo eyes fall upon me and we make eye contact for a second. As me and rave laugh with each other Dumbledore dismisses us and we exit the great hall

POWERFUL// Matteo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now