It wasn't even this frightening place you were trying to salvage. It was the character inside it.

Springtrap seemed surprised by your actions more than anyone else.

He had been silent this whole time.

"Are you stupid?! Do I need to force you to leave this place unwillingly?" He asked you with a shocked expression.

You could feel the fear rise up in your chest.

"Yes! Because I'm not letting you hurt him! Or hurt him to the best of your ability. I know what he did, and I don't care!" You exclaimed.

"The countless people he's murdered? They don't matter?! The countless children that don't get to live full lives don't matter?" Micheal exclaimed in shock and anger.

Did he really think you didn't think about that earlier?

"I never said that! I'm just saying I don't care anymore how many he's killed. He can't help being who he is. I don't approve of what he does, but he's going to do it no matter what you do!" You shouted.

You sounded like a villain now. Maybe you are a bad person.

You did sound insane right now.

You weren't trying to say what he did was good or anything. You just cared way too much about him.

Micheal shook his head in disapproval.

You didn't care if he disapproved or not.

Lefty gazed at you in utter shock.

Everything you told them was unbelievable.

You actually wanted to get out of there six or so days ago. Now you were acting like he didn't try to kill you.

"No," Lefty uttered. He shook his head desperate.

"No. I won't believe what you're saying. You wanted to get out of here mere days ago! What changed?"

Lefty was breathing heavily.

"A lot can change in a short amount of time. Just don't destroy Springtrap."you begged them.

Lefty and Micheal shook their heads.

"I'm sorry." Micheal apologized to you.

You didn't understand. Why was he apologizing?

"Huh?" You asked before you saw something metallic coming straight at your head.

You didn't have time to dodge it as you felt your body fall to the ground.

You screamed loudly.

What kind of hero would come into a place to rescue you, and then hit you?

You didn't understand it.

You felt panic well up in you as you felt yourself let go of the world.

You fainted.

You came to a while later, about to scream at Micheal and Lefty for hitting you. Well, specifically Lefty.

Maybe they meant well, but isn't trying to burn a murderer once enough?

You groaned.

The first thing you noticed was the smell. At least Micheal didn't lie about setting it on fire.

You struggled to get up.

They didn't kidnap you against your will and drag you outside. What a surprise.

It was already hard to breath with all the hot air. Now the building was on fire.

You jolted up, realizing something.

Where's Springtrap?

You couldn't see him.

Then again the place was on fire, and you couldn't see much.

You inhaled, hating the feeling of smoke getting into your lungs as you breathed it in.

The smoke irritated your lungs. This caused you to start a fit of coughing before you decided to start calling out your zombie friend's name. Or were you even really considered friends at this point? It was complicated.

"Springtrap?" You called out, trying to step over the little flames that burned on the floor.

You heard a whoosh.

In a panic, you pulled the foot that was out to step over the tiny flame you were trying to avoid back to your side.

The flame that was tiny, expanded as it continued to burn.

The fire was getting larger.

How long have I been out? You wondered as you started coughing even harder.

It didn't matter. Springtrap could still be in the building.

But even if he was, why'd he abandon you? Where was he?

You called out Springtrap's name once again, trying to find a way to move on.

You groaned, feeling frustrated.

Why wouldn't they listen to you? Springtrap was a really sweet guy if he put in some work. Why couldn't they just let him go without burning the whole building?

Even if he did deserve to go, isn't there another way?

You took another step cautiously over a tiny flame, prepared for it to burn even taller at any moment.

Thankfully, you avoided the flames unscathed.

You continued to walk around pointlessly.

Did he already leave? He was a selfish ghost. He did say he would always come back. Did that mean he would always betray you?

You began to feel sick.

Why were you even bothered by that? He was a villain. It shouldn't even hurt you that much, but it still did.

Maybe if I wasn't in love with him this wouldn't happen! You thought distraught to yourself.

After all, why would he risk his own life for you? He might like you, but he barely even showed he cared or even bothered with you.

There was only once or twice where he bothered to actually care about you, and that took all of him in order to do so.

"Hello? Springtrap? Anyone?" You asked, feeling small.

You hated feeling small.

You coughed some more.

You figured that they were all gone, and that the authorities, once they arrived, would find your burned corpse on the floor of this Fazbear Fright.

"Springtrap?!" You called out again, feeling your throat clog up with smoke.

You were feeling very stressful.


You began to lose hope.

You trudged on.

Maybe you could find an exit?

You shook your head.


There was no way the exits weren't blocked by the fire by now.

You could feel hatred beginning to set in.

Hatred for Micheal for setting this place on fire and leaving you in it. Hatred towards Lefty for letting this happen and not doing everything in his power to protect you and Springtrap.

Then again, why would he protect a murderer?

You couldn't feel any hatred for Springtrap, though. No matter what. He didn't start the fire. He just left you. Even though that hurt, you were just glad that if anyone made it out it would be him. Even if he was going to continue his streak.

Author's Note: Well the conclusion to this story has begun.

Anyways sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger, but thanks so much for reading!

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