You're A Bite-able Person

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Waking up with Benny wrapped up in his arms was something Dean didn't want to end... like, ever. He loves just holding someone and being able to protect them for some reason. It's like being their personal shield. He sighs and snuggles into Benny's side, pressing his face into his neck and take long a deep breath through his nose. Benny smells absolutely amazing to say the least. He smells like saltwater and Carmel with a hint of some kind of spice that he could never really put his finger on. And even though it sounds like a weird ass combination it smells fucking fabulous. The blonde opens his eyes and yawns then moves back so he can look at Benny like he had the morning before because he's weird and likes to stare at his best friend, what are you going to do about? That's right absolutely nothing because you know Benny's cute as hell. Dean sighs and rolls onto his back. Why do I think my best friend is cute that can't be normal...actually, nothing about our relationship is normal I'm an orca person he's a shark boy and we've been sleeping together for the past four days. Maybe we're homies? We're not gay we're just homies? Yeah we're just yeah I'm gay I'm definitely gay I fucking kissed his head and told him his scars were pretty then got flustered when he asked to see my real eyes and I want to FUCKING BITE HIM. Like he's not mine to claim why do I want to bite him why are emotions so goddam weird fuck this shi-

   "You good Dean?" Benny mumbles causing the blonde to jump a little then look over at his friend.

   "Yeah I'm just...thinking." He says softly and rolls onto his side so the two are facing each other. Benny moves to lay on his side too and bites his lip. While watching Dean's face. Eyes lingering on his lips a little longer than they really should have. Dean smirks a little and the other boy blushed then looks away, "You like something you see?" Dean mumbles and Benny shrugs causing Dean to chuckle softly and move down to press his face into the crook of Benny's neck. The shark wraps his legs around Dean's hips and pulls himself flush against Dean who hums softly and nuzzled further into Benny's neck, "You smelf so goodf." He mumbles and takes deep breath through his nose for emphasis. Benny blushes and loops his fingers through Dean's hair a tugs softly causing the blonde to him and push his face further into his neck.

   Benny blushes and and buries his face into Dean's hair then sighs, "You smell good too." He mumbles and wraps his arms around his neck and goes silent while letting Dean continue to smell him. It wasn't a lie. Dean does smell good. He's kind of got like a fresh or winter smell with like smoke and mangos. After a few minutes Dean pulls away and stares up at Benny who swallows thickly and blushes, "Yeah?"

   Dean looks away then closes his eyes. His cheeks are starting to get a red tint to them, "Do you ever you... do you ever get like... the urge to bite me?" He asks softly. It's almost to quiet for Benny to hear. He blushes harder than he already was and turns his head to bury his face into his pillow. They're both silent for a while and Benny huffs loudly then nods.

   "Y-yeah...sometimes. Like now. I like when you tell me a smell nice and stuff people usually think I smell like fish be-because I yeah and I'm sorry I'm rambling but I just het happy when we're together and you're super sweet to me and I didn't want to say anything because I was scared you would think I was weird because I didn't know if orcas like but each other or something I know sharks do as like a mating thing I guess but we're just friends so felt like if I had said anything you'd hate me an-" Dean shushes hun and buried his face into Benny's neck with a small smile.

   "I'm not mad, I think it's sweet." He whispers and pulls away, resting his head on the pillow next to Benny's who turns to face him. Dean licks his lips and cups Benny's cheek then leans forward and kisses his head causing Benny to freeze up and just stare at Dean before dipping his head and looking away. Dean chuckles and hooks a finger up under Benny's jaw then tilts his head up to kiss him gently. The smaller boy basically melts into it like he's been wanting this for a while and he's not going to deny it, he has. He hasn't realized it till now but he's been wanting this for the past couple of days. Dean rolls so he's crouched on top of Benny, holding himself up with his elbows and knees. When they pull apart they just stare at each other. Dean smiles and huffs then presses his forehead to Benny's with a laugh and lays down on top
of the shark. Benny grins and wraps his arms and legs around Dean's back.

   "I like you." Benny says softly and Dean chuckles while kissing his way down his neck.

   "I like you too." Dean mumbles and kisses his cheek then noses into his neck and nips lightly at Benny's shoulder, biting just hard enough to leave little red marks but not hard enough to break skin. Benny grumbles something about Dean being half assed and Dean giggles before moving back up so they're face to face. Benny sighs and squeezes Dean's cheeks and smiles.

   "You're cute." He whispers and and kisses Dean gently causing the blonde to hum happily. Dean nuzzles his cheek against Benny's and sighs happily while wrapping himself around Benny, by now they're just a tangled mess of limbs and bodies.

   Later at the aquarium Benny's giving a tour and talking about all the different sharks and fish that are in the tank they're currently at. It's Benny's favorite because of the whale Sharks. They're at the point where he just lets them look and walk around while he sits at the back and looks through his phone. However, today he's got Dean's arms wrapped around his waist and his nose shoved against his neck. It's kind of weird how Dean does this all the time and they should probably talk about it. It might just be primal urges or like instincts or something. Kind of like with Sharks. Biting isn't really like a mean thing it's more of a claim. Benny cringes at the thought of wanting to be claimed but at the same time it's sounds really nice. To know that someone is going to protect you and be yours... yeah never mind being claimed by Dean sounds like a pretty good deal.

   Benny leans back into his chest and grins then starts to pull away but Dean growls playfully and pulls him back, "Work, Dean. Ya know? I have to do it to pay rent."

   "Yes I know what work and rent are and I also know I'm clinging and needy." He mumbles and nips at Benny's shoulder then at the crook of his neck. Benny looks over his shoulder then moves away from Dean and kisses him quickly.

   "I'll see you after work I promise, okay?" Dean nods and kisses him back then makes his way back towards the orca's enclosure. Benny watches him leave with a smirk then gets back to showing the same people around until he finishes then goes to change into his wetsuit and swim with Athena for a while. She's healing quickly and Benny was going they'd be able to let her out eventually even though he'd miss having her around she deserves to be in the wild so she can swim as much as she wants. When he goes to surface he's followed by Athena so he stops and lets her swim up and rub against his side and bump into his chest. Benny rubs her back then swims up to the surface and chokes on the oxygen rich air. He takes a few, slow deep breaths then finally adjusts and starts making his way over to the orca tank where standing at the edge of the pool and playing with his Orcas. It was kind of weird, almost like watching a dog play fetch. Dean would throw one of their toys out and they would bring it back and Dean would give them a fish.

   Benny just sits and watches Dean. He was so cute when he was happy and giggly. Benny doesn't really like when tries to act tough because when Dean's himself he's just more beautiful somehow. Not that he's not always beautiful.

((A/N: y'know I was going to right more and then I figured why tf not end the chapter there Bc goddam I love simp shit.))

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