Shark Boys Are Good Friends

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   Benny sits there, half submerged and bobbing a bit in the water. His legs hang off either side of his board in the cold salt water that felt more like home than the apartment waiting for him in Atlanta. He lets out a long sigh as he realizes there's not going to be any waves then lays out and paddles back in, not rushing to get back to the shore and already missing the feel of the waves. When his feet hit the sand he grabs his tee shirt that he'd cut the sleeves off of to make into a tank top and slips it over his head. He rolls and cracks his neck with a satisfied hun then picks his board and backpack up, carrying them to his truck and putting the both in the bed, strapping the board down so it won't fall out.

   He climbs into the cab and buckles up while checking his phone where there's a text from Jody, his boss,  asking him to pick her daughters up from school; a call and voice message from Lenore letting him know the dolphin they rescued last week wouldn't eat; and about three hundred texts from the "shark people" group chat that'd been named "The Titanic Swim Team". He sighs and calls Eli, "Hey brother, what's up." He asks and switches the phone over to speaker so he can drive.

    "We need you back here as soon as possible, got a new shark in today. She's a Great White. They found her beached in Miami and didn't have anywhere big enough for her to recover so they sent her here." He explains and Benny could basically hear his smile.

   "That's...That's great. I've gotta pick Alex and Claire up but I'll be there as soon as I can. Has anyone got in with her yet?" He asks and reaches over into his bag, grabbing some beef jerky to gnaw on.

   "Last time I checked you're the shark person. Ya know, sharp teeth? Super fast swimming? An addiction to raw meat? Underwater Breathing?" He says jokingly and then there's a crash and a string of curses, "STOP LEAVING SHIT OUT!" Benny chuckles and swallows his food while turning onto an exit and getting on the interstate.

    "Is she hostile? Like am I gonna get my arm but off or some shit?" Benny asks and grins when Eli groans.

    "Just get your ass here shark boy or I'll feed you to the Orcas." Eli grumbles and hangs up, Benny shakes his head with a small smile and turns the radio up. An hour or two later he pulls up to Henry W. Grady High School which is about ten or fifteen minutes away from the aquarium. Two eleventh graders hop into the cab of his truck, one with long blonde hair, the other with long brown hair.

"You're taking us to get Mickey D'S right Ben?" The blonde girl asks and flutters her lashes while smirking. He just rolls his eyes and laughs a bit. He's not much older than the girls, he's only twenty three so they get along pretty well.

"Y'all are finna have to start paying for this shit." He jokes and rolls his eyes, "But yeah, I'll take you to McDonald's."

The two girls fist pump and he rolls his eyes with a small grin, making the drive quick and getting to the aquarium about fifteen minutes later than he should have. Eli glares as he and the girls walk in with five big bags of food, "Don't worry I got some for you too sweetheart." Benny drawls and smirks when Eli blushes a little and crosses his arms like a child.

   "Thanks I guess." His friend groans and rolls his eyes but smiles bright when Benny shoves a McFlurry into his hands, "I love you!" He kisses his head then walks off towards the labs to get to work. Claire giggles and Benny rolls his eyes.

   "What?" He asks and glares over his shoulder at the girl.

    "Are you suuuuuuuuuure you two aren't dating?" She asks and he deadpans.

   "Nah he's more of a brother than anything." He says and smiles a little then grabs his food and starts making his way to the medical wing of the aquarium, "Y'all go find something to do and maybe we'll go to the movies or something later tonight." The teens smile at the promise then go off to find somewhere to eat.

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