Broken Anckles And Captain Crunch

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   Benny wakes slowly, nuzzling into what he thinks is his pillow and shutting his eyes tightly, not wanting to deal with people at the moment. He sighs and relaxes then realizes his pillow's...breathing? Benny sits up just enough to look down to see Dean underneath him, holding him tightly. Benny blushes and goes to move but Dean grunts and pulls him back down, running his fingers through Benny's hair and pressing his nose into his hair with a sigh. The shark relaxes and closes his eyes, curling up on top of Dean making sure to not bump his ankle too hard. Dean inhales deeply and rolls so he's curled up on Benny's side with his thigh under Benny's so both his legs are propped up. The brunette is blushing like crazy now, thankful that his hair is covering most of his face. A few seconds later Dean drapes his arm over Benny's chest and nuzzles into his hair with a small groan before moving his head down into the crook of Benny's neck.

   How the fuck is he still sleeping?! Benny yells to himself, panicking internally and laying stiff as a board. He knew he should wake Dean up. He knew that they were just friends. But it just felt...right. Being held by him, feeling his warm breath against his neck, the way his arms wrapped around Benny and subconsciously rubbed small shapes into his skin...all of it was just so perfect. Benny finally allows himself to relax and lets out a long sigh of relief then closes his eyes. Maybe...maybe I could just hold his hand. He thinks before looking down at where Dean's hand is currently resting on his hip. He bites his lip then slowly reaches down with his right hand, intertwining their fingers then dragging their hands up to rest on his chest. He felt relieved, safe. He didn't know why, but he just felt this was truly all he really needs. He brings Dean's hand up to his mouth and kisses his knuckles then lets their hands go back to where they were, "I'm glad you aren't awake." He whispers and rubs his thumb along the back of Dean's hand, "You'd probably call me a simp and think I was joking but you're truly the most beautiful person I know. It's weird because I've barely known you for a few days but I already care so much about you..." he pauses and sighs then closes his eyes and shakes his head, "Yeah I'm a fucking simp, a stupid fucking simp. All for you Dean Winchester." He stares at the ceiling for a while, his eyelids eventually getting heavy before becoming to much of a burden to keep open. They sleep that for few more hours, Dean curled protectively around his shark. Defending him even while they're sleeping.

   A few hours later Dean inhales sharply and peeks his right eye open to look down. He smiles and closes his eye again then tightens his hold on Benny. He's so bite-able...wait what the fuck no. No he's not bite-able shut the fuck up brain you don't know what you're talking about he's your friend. He's not even an orca. He opens his eyes again and bites his lip while staring down at their hands. He huffs and licks his lips then smiles again and shakes his head. God I'm a loser. He moves his other arm and uses it to prop his head up then wiggles his hand out of Benny's grasp, "You're so pretty." He mumbles and brushes Benny's hair out of his face, "Goofy, but pretty." He rest his hand on Benny's cheek, slightly turning his face so he can fully see his friend's face, "I shouldn't feel like this with you. You're not like me...well you are...but you're not." Dean stares for a while and traces all the little scars from all Benny's rescue missions or adventures. He wonders if he got any of them surfing like yesterday. Or if a shark managed to nip at him while he was helping it to safety. There was one that almost looked like lightning. It starts at his bottom knuckles then moves all the way down his right arm and up to his shoulder and onto his back.

Dean traces his fingers along the scars, not noticing Benny's awake until he says, "Was a Portuguese   Man-Of-War jellyfish. They don't usually scar that bad but I guess I was unlucky."

  Dean smiles gently and shakes his head, "I think they're pretty." He whispers and continues gently running his fingertips along the damaged skin, "Did it hurt?"

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