Good Buddies And Pizza

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   Hot water rolls off Benny's shoulders while he sits in the bottom of his shower, face pressed into his knees. He takes and deep breath and looks up into the spray, not bothering with closing his eyes and liking the feeling of heat on his face. After a while he stands and turns the water off then gets dressed in the clothes Sorento had gotten him which was one of the bigger man's hoodies that had a shark on the back with something in Japanese, a pair of his sweats, and some fluffy socks. Benny smiles to himself as he gets dressed, thinking about how good his friends are to him and how lucky he is to have them. When he comes out Sorento's sitting on the couch, a beer in his hand and the remote in his other. He looks up and smiles so Benny smiles back then flops down on the next to him, curling into his side and pressing his face into his chest while Sorento wraps and arm around his shoulders, "You good?" Benny just nods and cuddles up a little more then turns so he can see the tv.

   "What're you watching?" He asks softly, pushing back into the man's hand that was running through his hair.

   "Stargate SG-1," he says and Benny can hear the smile in his voice, " 'Member when we used to watch it whenever we had sleep overs?" Benny smiles at that and nods.

   "Back when we thought there wasn't others like me." Sorento rolls his eyes and pokes the smaller boy's cheek.

    "Stop being so nervous, I doubt they're going to kill you just because you're a shark," he pauses and takes a sip of his beer, "Plus the blonde one seems pretty interested in you." Now it's Benny's turn to roll his eyes and look at his friend like he's stupid. He pushes his face away and pouts, "Fine I'm sorry."

Benny frowns a little and scratches the back of his head, "You sure they won't? They're really the only threat to me, you know I don't even like being around the Orcas at work, but they're different. They can walk around and be near me and chase me down. At least with with normal ones I can just stay out of the tank." Benny mumbles and bites his lip, "That tall one looked like he was bout ready to kill me. The blonde one had contacts in, Orcas don't have green eyes."

Sorento just stares at him for a while then sighs loudly and slumps back into the couch. He punches the bridge of his nose the. Licks his lips before saying, "Yes Ben I know, and yeah that one guy was kind of weird but I doubt he's gonna rip your throat out with his teeth or something."

Benny just pouts and crosses his arms over his chest and slumps back into the cushions like Sorento had then looks over at his friend, "Well let's just say he does kill me, what would you do?"

Sorento stays quiet then smiles slightly, "Eye for an eye," He says calmly, "Now shut up about all this getting killed. Gettin' more depressing to be around you than it normally is."

"You know you love hanging out with me." Benny teases and pushes his friend down when he hears a knock then stands to go get the pizza. He pays for it before Sorento can argue and plops down on the couch, taking a big bite out of his slice and humming, "Fanks for da rizza."

"Stop talking with your mouth full you heathen." He ruffles his hair and kisses his head then starts eating, "Ain't it kind of weird that you like pizza, aren't you a carnivore?" Benny shrugs and licks his lips.

"Raw meat's the best tasting, yes. I like normal food too though." He says in almost a childish way he leans back when he's done and runs his fingers through his hair.

"You should let me braid your hair for tomorrow since you'll be doing tours, gotta look presentable for all them people." He says then smiles a little, "Plus you have show off that face of yours for that orca."

"Ohhhhhhh my god." He groans and rolls his eyes before slapping the back of Sorento's head, "And yes you can braid my hair for tomorrow." The older guy smiles and chuckles while rubbing his head.

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