Smells Like Teen Spirit

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   Benny sits up quickly at the smell of breakfast, causing Dean to wake up and wrap tighter around him, "Go back to sl-" he sits up too and climbs out of bed, "Food."

   "Get out of the way I call dibs on the bacon!" Benny says, pushing past Dean and through the door only to get tackled to the ground.

   "Oh no you don't! That's my bacon!" He yells playfully and stands but trips when Benny grabs his ankle, causing him to face plant, "Shit!"

Benny laughs evilly and quickly makes his way to the kitchen, snagging the plate of bacon and a note that says Ellen has gone to work and Jo was at college. He smirks at the orca who's glaring at him then pops a strip of the bacon into his mouth and hums happily, "God this is so good." He groans and Dean rolls his eyes then stands and grabs a piece.

   "I'll eat your liver or whatever if you don't share." Dean mumbles and crosses his arms.

   "Oh so you're into that shit?" Benny asks teasingly then bursts into laughter when Dean looks confused and disgusted at the same time. He sits the bacon on the counter.

"What else she cook?" Dean mumbles and stretches, popping his back and shoulders.

"Eggs and homemade honey biscuits." Benny says and starts fixing their plates, "You want coffee?"

"I can fix my own, really-"

"Shut up I'm already standing." Benny says and yawns loudly then goes back to work fixing their plates, "Maybe we could go to the beach today since we're both off, it would be relaxing. Course we don't have to."

"Yeah I'd like that, I'd say we could bring Sam too but I don't think that wouldn't end too well." Benny nods in agreement then licks his lips rubs his face.

   "Yeah you're right, maybe we should bring him anyway. Might help show him we could be friends, you'd have to stay close by though. Just in case he tries anything." He sets a plate in front of Dean then moves to sit beside him, "I don't think your brother is bad, just...I dunno...brainwashed or somethin'."

   "You're crazy, Lafitte." Dean says with a small scoff and shakes his head, "I'll ask him about it but I doubt he'll want to come, probably don't like the thought of being around you too much.He probably thinks he'll get some shark loving disease from you."

   Benny laughs a little and looks over to Dean with a smirk before saying, "You sure you didn't catch that brother? Been awfully nice to me lately."

   "Shuddup I just felt bad for you." Dean groans and rolls his eyes.


   "And stay off of Tik Tok dumbass." He teases and chuckles then rolls his eyes when Benny says sheesh and makes the fuck boy face.

   They stand at the edge of the water. The ocean lapping around the feet as the just enjoy the breeze and the coolness of the water. Sam had refused the invitation to come and said he'd not be spending time with some stupid shark which made Benny laugh then call him a "fucking loser".

   After a while of not saying anything Benny grabs his surfboard since the waves are decent and jogs into the water, "Wanna swim while I surf? You might get to Knock me off or something."

   Dean laughs at the thought of knocking Benny off his surfboard and scaring the shit out of him. He wades into the water and watches as Benny paddles away, looking like a professional. The weather is starting to get bad and Dean was getting anxious but just kept swimming, coming up for air when he needs to. Benny was cooler when it came to breathing, he didn't have to come up at all but he did have to basically drown himself while getting in and out of the water. Dean comes up just in time to see the younger boy wipe out and get tossed into the sea. He waits a while but starts to panic when Benny doesn't come back up. He dives down, the waves pushing him around until he got to where he was swimming good. He swims with expertise, like he was born in the water and keeps his eyes peeled, searching the paceman floor for his friend. Eventually he spots the shark struggling to get his ankle pulled out of a pile of rocks. He kept pushing off hard but was pulled back every time. Dean studies their surroundings and spots the reason Benny's so panicked. It had to be rare for orcas to be here but there was a pod just about twenty feet away. Dean swims to his friend and waves his hands shaking his head trying to tell him to stop. Benny seems to understand and stops struggling while Dean swims down to beside his foot, he winces when he notices the awkward angle his friend's foot was in. He looks up at Benny who's watching the pod grow ever so closer then back to the rocks. He's going to have to brake his foot to get out which would probably heal fast due his shark abilities. Dean swims back up so he's facing Benny and points his foot then makes a breaking motion with his hands. Benny nods and takes a deep breath, squeezing his eyes shut.

   Even underwater the scream that comes from Benny scares Dean and he grabs the shark as they swim to the surface. Once he finds his board he flings Benny onto it and rubs his back as he chokes on oxygen. The waves are tossing them around and dunking their heads. Dean struggles to swim back to shore, tugging an unconscious Benny behind him. When he gets to land he just sprawls out there, shivering and curling in on himself to stay warm. Benny starts coughing again, now able to fully breathe oxygen. He groans and rolls onto and into the sand then curls up and starts sobbing, probably at the pain in his foot but also the air burning his lungs. Not to mention he thought he was about to die about thirty minutes ago. Dean sits up and crawls over to Benny, pulling his face up so he can see him, "Are you okay, did an-anything else ha-happen?" Benny shakes his head and continues gasping for air, clinging tight to Dean. After a few minutes he's able to breathe normally and is shaking, his foot swollen and laying at an odd angle. Dean sighs out of relief and pulls Benny's back to his chest then kisses his head and rests his chin in the same spot, staring out at the angry sea. As if on cue a few orcas jump up out of the waves, playing. Benny still tenses and presses closer to Dean with a small wince.

    "H-home...wanna...home please." He whispers and turns to press his face into Dean's chest. The blonde nods and stands then points to the board.

   "Lay down and I'll drag you up to the truck." He says. Once they're situated it takes twenty minutes of grunting and tugging and giving them starting over again to get to the parking lot.

   A few hours later their at a Benny's apartment. The shark is curled up in his couch in some dry clothes with his foot wrapped and ice on it. Benny would probably have it heals by tomorrow with his shark DNA but Dean still made sure he was comfortable. Sorento was making dinner for them while Dean was sitting at a small table, his head resting in his hands and his eyelids heavy. He jumps when someone touches his shoulder but relaxes when he sees Sorento, "You should go lay down." He mumbles and presses his hand to Dean's forehead, "You feel sick."

   "No shit I just drug someone through tropical storm waves after having to brake his foot and almost drowned because fucking orcas have to breather air." He complains but listens and walks into the living room, laying on the floor next to the couch and lacing his fingers with Benny's who's hand had been hanging off the short couch and onto the short floor. Not long after Sorento tells him dinners done then tells him to get better before leaving. Dean sighs and looks up at Benny. He brushes his thumb across his cheek before asking him to wake up.

   "It hurts." Benny mumbles and blinks a little, his eyes adjusting to the light. Dean frowns and sighs, Benny had gotten pretty beat up while underwater and had bruises and scratches littering his torso.

   "I know,'but it'll heal, I promise. You need to eat though." Benny nods and goes to sit up, wincing and clutching his stomach before folding over, the toes of his unbroken foot curling in. Dean hushed hun and rubs his back then kisses his head, "It's okay, stay here."

   He ends up having to feed Benny then eats for himself. While he's helping his friend to his room Benny tells him how there wasn't supposed to be a storm and keeps apologizing but Dean just shushes him then helps him lay down, "It's okay Ben." The shark looked more relaxed now causing Dean to smile. Just when he goes to walk Benny grabs his wrist and pulls him back.

   He's looking up at him with those pretty, sad, blue eyes he closes his eyes and loosens his grip, "Please stay."


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