21. The Scientist

Start from the beginning

“So what’s crawled up your ass and died today then?” my tone is light hearted but I’m met with a wall of silence and my hand slipping from her thigh as she turns her body away from me towards the window “leave me alone, I’m fine" she mutters quietly.

I can’t  claim to be an expert in the ways of women folk but what I have learned is that “I’m fine” means the exact opposite in women talk. I wrack my brain trying to think if I’ve done something to piss her off this badly and come up with nothing.

“Hormones is it?” As soon as the dumb fucking words leave my stupid mouth I’m regretting it already as Jas whips her body around to face me “Are you fucking kidding me?” she screams at me, she’s red in the face and breathing so hard I think she’s having a heart attack for one minute. I’ve never heard her shout like that before, never known her to be this vile and moody before. I should keep my asshole mouth shut.

“Stop the car, I’m getting out” My eyes roll upwards, now she’s just being silly. She tries to pull at the handle but I keep it locked, the bitch is insane and fights me the five more minutes it takes to reach our first destination of the  day.

“What the fuck is it Jasmin? Please don’t ruin the only time we have together” I’m pleading with this woman, me Marshall Mathers pleading with a woman just so we can have a nice day together. “I told you, I’m fine. Now why aren’t we going somewhere to fuck, what’s this all about?” she waves her hands around gesturing to the car park at North Clinton River Park. My idea of a nice walk and picnic now seems suddenly stupid.

“I thought it might be romantic!” I whisper quietly, now regretting a lot of the choices I’d made since getting out of bed this morning.

The scornful snort of laughter beside me confirms those thoughts and I suddenly feel small beside her, not the usual giant she makes me feel beside her petite frame. I feel awkward and now just want to escape her.

“I um bought a picnic and thought we could eat here instead of at home and maybe walk a little” I don’t even know why I’m bothering to tell Jas this, whatever has pissed her off has her wound up tighter than a coiled rattlesnake about to strike.

Sneaking a glimpse, I see her arms still folded across her chest as she glares out of the window frightening the trees.

“I might have got the dates wrong but I didn’t think sex was an option today” I haven’t got the dates wrong, I’ve known her long enough now to know when she’s shutting up shop for the week, I mean I couldn’t care less but Jas doesn’t want to so I’m good with that.

“You didn’t get the dates wrong” she says so quietly I barely hear her but she repeats herself louder and I hear her, I wasn’t wrong.

“I think I might be pregnant”  she whispers again but I hear that loud and fucking clear “What?”  My tone is harsher than I intended and suddenly its her turn to flinch In the seat beside me. My heart hammers in my chest and a feeling of panic rises up from my throat, I feel the need to run suddenly, to run away from whatever I’m about to find out here.

“I thought you had that in hand” I know every woman out there would say that it takes two to tango but Jasmin has always been adamant that we were covered.

“I do, but nothing is one hundred percent effective Marshall” Of course I know this but it doesn’t make me feel any better right now. “I can’t have any more kids Jas, I just don’t want too!” I’m hoping complete and utter honesty will work in my favour here.

“This is isn’t about you asshole” the scary version of Jas rears it’s ugly head again.

“You’ve never wanted kids anyway” I say loudly and accusingly, reminding her of conversations we had at the start of this regarding hers and Jack’s decisions about their marriage and what they wanted to do together.

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