Ep [12]

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"I'm V. And not that rich it's just he is my close freind so he let me take it on rent."

I lied fearing what she would think of me if I reveal my real identity.

"Wow you got some good freinds!"

I smiled and focused on driving.

"Give me your phone!"

She said. "Here"

I gave her not really thinking much.

"Wow I like the way you just gave me like didn't even asked what I'm gonna do."

She said with amusement.

"Oh don't bother bout that"

"By the way I'm going to call my friend, ray the one who's house we are heading off to."

She explained and I nodded.

She called him and told him everything.

He agreed to let her stay at his place and now I was again concentrating on driving.

While she talked, as always.

"By the way I am Lee y/n though you must know already. I'm from a middle class family and my dad has a conservative mindset. Literally man sometimes it sucks to be a girl in that house. You look good your life must be so happy right?"

She said and looked at me to reply. 

"Not really. It depends. Happiness doesn't come with money y/n richness has its own loneliness. Sometimes even I feel trapped like you have to be careful of everything. people keep on telling you what to do. No enjoyment no fun just work work and work."

I explained or I ranted.

"Oh man SAME!! I know right it sucks when others tries to control you like a doll. Like we are human!! Why are we trained to act like robots!? No mistakes should be made blah blah blah I'm so tired of this shit."

She said and I nodded in agreement.

"Me too!! You know if I had kids I would love to spend time with them and try to know their interest and thinking! I would try to know them rather trying to make them know everything!!"

"Exactly!! That's what all parents should do!! But you know what!? Even if I have conservative parents so what I'm going to do what I love and passionate about!!"

She said with pure energy glistening in her eyes.


She made an amused face and said "wow! You got it right!!"

I smiled and said "Of course the way you sing is clear it's your passion."

"Ah yesss by the way what's your passion??"

She asked and my smile dropped.

"When I was small I dreamed to be a photographer."

"Oh! Then you should work on your dream!! By the way it sounds cool! Will you click my pictures in my wedding?"

She asked and I shook my head in disbelief.

"You are really just too strange and unique. Seriously cLicK mY pIc aT wEdDiNg. Now that passion has got buried under the pressure..."

"Pressure? Of what?"

I kept quite and she rolled her eyes.

"Fine don't tell!!"

After a loooooooong drive, we reached daegu.

Now y/n was guiding me to her freind's house. 

"Take right...no no its left!! The freak his address is so confusing!!"

She said frustratedly looking at the map.

"Oh God give me that!"

With that I snatched the phone from her hand and followed the path given in map.

She sat there ranting.

"So this is his house?"

I asked and she said.

"I guess yes maybe? Let's go and see!!"

With that she got off the car before I could say anything.


Something's going to happen, I don't trust the author.

I followed her taking her luggugage and everything.

I saw her about to ring the doorbell but just then the door opened and a girl came out.

Her hairs looked messy and her clothes were weird?

She saw me and came straight towards me ignoring y/n totally.

"Hey. Hottie?"

She said and winked at me.

But before I could say anything y/n yelled from behind.

"His name is V okay!? And who are you!?"

The girl infront of me totally ignored her and shoved a piece of paper in my hands.

"This is my number."

She said and showed me the call sign.

With that she walked away leaving me froze.

What the fvck.

I looked at y/n standing there with a mad face.

"What was that..."

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