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Hello! Welcome to the second chapter, and thank you to everyone for reading and for the votes (you know who you are)! There is a content warning listed below.

C/W: Blood, violence, gore, torture. I think that's it.

The universe mourned the death of the  Black Paladin, the leader of Volton, the leader of The Blade of Marmora. They mourned a friend, a savior, a symbol, a brother, a son. There was a big funeral held, the Paladins and Blades were all there. Speeches were made, tears were shed. They made a statue of him in his paladin armor, smiling.


It's been about two months since Keith died. No, not died. Dying was natural, dying was old age or maybe a sickness. Dying was acceptable, it was understandable. Keith was killed, murdered, taken too soon. People wanted to know who was behind the explosion that killed their beloved savior. It's an ongoing investigation, sorry.

Shiro was working in his office at the Garrison when Pidge busted in, a look of shock and panic on her face. She was holding a computer, something was pulled up on it.
"Pidge, what's -"

"Shhh! Look!" She yelled as she slammed the computer down in front of Shiro on his desk. 
"What the... Pidge, we need to take this to Iverson. Now!" Shiro and Pidge ran out of the office with the computer, frantically running down the halls in a hunt for Admiral Iverson. 

"Admiral! You need to see this! Pidge, show him." Pidge showed the Admiral the computer, the Livestream pulled up on it. 

"-see, this pretty little omega here is none other than the Black Paladin of Voltron! Now, you must be wondering how I got my hands on him, well! It's simple; I bought him for the entire next movement! How fun is that! And now, we're going to have  little fun with him." The guy who was talking to the camera grabbed Keith's chin, making him look up.

Keith mastered the whole if-looks-could-kill thing at a young age, and damn, that guy would be 6 feet under. Keith bared his fangs and growled, banking his chin out of the guy's grasp, looking back down. His arms were secured to two posts on either side of him, he was on his knees, feet bound at the ankles. He was only wearing underwear, putting all his scars and bruises and cuts on display.

"Why, you little-" The guy slapped Keith across the face, a handprint already forming.
"That all you got?"
The guy growled at Keith, most likely an alpha.

"Disobedient omega. I'll show you your place! You there! Grab that one!" The alpha said to another guy who stepped into the frame, reaching for something the alpha was pointing to. A whip. "Do it."

The guy holding the whip unfurled it, letting it fall to the ground before recoiling his arm back and shooting it forward and down in a controlled movement. Keith's eyes went wide before squeezing shut, he arched his back in pain, head leaning back. A second camera angle came up, showing Keith's back on full display. The nasty cut going from his shoulder blade to lower back oozing blood, red surrounding it.

"Beg, little omega. Beg for the pain to end," the alpha was crouched down by Keith's ear, whispering. Keith slowly looked up and turned his head to face the alpha, and lunged. The alpha yelped and screamed in pain as Keith bit his nose, blood dripping from his mouth.

"Get the muzzle!" The alpha ordered another guy once he got free, hand holding his nose with blood seeping between his fingers and down his arm. The second guy put a muzzle on Keith but took a while to do so as Keith thrashed and bucked, biting and growling. "Again," the alpha ordered the one holding the whip.

Iverson, Shiro, and Pidge watched in horror as Keith was whipped again. And again. And again. And again and again and again. Over and over. The screaming started after the 10th time, and Iverson finally spoke up. "What the hell is this, Holt?"

"I'll skip the tech talk and simplify it for you. Basically, I was looking for Keith. Lance didn't believe he was really dead and asked me to look for him. So, I did. I found this earlier. It's a Livestream, which means Keith is alive, but...that," Pidge said while she gestured to the screen, to Keith yelling in pain and the sound of the whip.

"Sir, Keith is alive, and well need to rescue him. Please, sir," Shiro pleaded with the Admiral.
"Not without more information. We can't. Where even is he? Who is that in the video? What does he mean by 'auction'? There's too much we don't know. I'm sorry."


Pidge recorded the Livestream, showing it to Lance later. Keith was alive. Keith was alive!
"We need to rescue him." Lance was sitting with Pidge, Hunk, Shiro, and the Generals in his family's living room.

"How? We don't even know where he is," Zethrid argued. They all looked down at this. Of course they wanted to rescue Keith, but how
"We may not know where he currently is, but we do know where he'll be by the end of the movement." Everyone looked at Acxs at er words. 

"You can't be serious. That's six days from now!" Lance pleaded.
"I know, but we don't know where he is right now, and we have the guy's face. We'll run it in the Blades base and come up with a plan until the movement is over, then we'll make our move. We can follow him to the location of the auction, and bring Keith home. We can also finally bust The Enforcers. It's a win-win," Acxa calmly stated.

"Fine, but we're coming with you to the base." Pidge crossed her arms. Like hell she'd pass up the chance to get her hands on Blade-tech. "I am the one who found the Livestream, after all."

"Okay, but we need to tell Krolia. She's been running the Blades while Kolivan leads the Galra. Plus, she has the right to know her son is still alive," Acxa said.


"Damn, I forgot how big this place is," Shiro said while following the Generals through the Blade base. They made their way to the control room, where Krolia was waiting for them.

"Acxa, what's so important you had to come all this way to tell me?" Krolia inquired. Lance forgot how alike she and Keith were, they had the same attitude and ability to intimidate.
"Perhaps we can go to your office?"Acxa asked.
"Fine, follow me."

Krolia closed and locked the door behind her once they were all inside the office. "What is it?"
"Keith is alive." Krolia froze at this. Her gaze could bore a hole right through you, made you want to give up secrets to her and giver her respect. Perks of being an alpha, right?

They showed her the recorded Livestream, but once Keith started to yell in pain, she skipped to the end. "When was this?" Her voice was barely above a whisper, but you could hear the promise of death in it.
"Yesterday. Please, we need need to rescue him. We started thinking of a plan, but need more information," Lance looked at her with pleading eyes. Her gaze softened when she looked at him, she knew Keith helped him through his tough time. Knew how much Keith meant to Lance.

"Okay, here's the plan..."

Word count: 1185

A/N: There's the second chapter! Hope you liked it! 

Is it weird that I had no emotion when writing Keith being tortured? Is that concerning? 


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