xxxv. thirty five

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"So Nico," Daphne coughed. "How are you?"

Worst question ever!

"You really suck at starting at conversation Daph, not gonna lie," Percy laughed.

"I rather say something stupid than just stare at each other like an idiot," Daphne snapped annoyed.

She really missed to have a little sip of normalcy in her life. A goodnight sleep on her queen size bed or just exploring her mother garden. Also, it's been a long time since she stepped her foot in her home. Or at least the place she liked to called her home.

Nico's eyes still glared at Percy.

"Are you still on that shit that Percy or me are the cause of your sister death?" Daphne asked the son of Hades that glared daggers at her, "Well certainly, you need to stop thinking like that, because it's not true,"

Daphne shrugged.

"You don't know anything," he said with poisoned in his tone.

Daphne rolled her eyes, "For your information kid, I was standing there when your beloved sister sacrifice herself. Not being killed by either me or Percy, You're blinded by hatred now,"

Percy coughed.

"You could stay here until we're done with our quest," Percy told him. "It would be safe."

"Safe?" Nico said. "What do you care if I'm safe? You got my sister killed!"

"Nico," Annabeth said, "that wasn't Percy's or Daphne fault. And Geryon wasn't lying about Kronos wanting to capture you. If he knew who you were, he'd do anything to get you on his side."

"I'm not on anyone's side. And I'm not afraid."

"You should be," Annabeth said. "Your sister wouldn't want—"

"If you cared for my sister, you'd help me bring her back!"

"A soul for a soul?" Percy said.


"But if you didn't want my soul—"

"I'm not explaining anything to you!" He blinked tears out of his eyes, "And I will bring her back."

"Bianca wouldn't want to be brought back," Percy said. "Not like that."

"You didn't know her!" he shouted. "How do you know what she'd want?"

"When will it goes through your thick head that even Hades can't do anything about death. That's mean it also out of your hands," Daphne wanted to shout some sense to Nico.

"Let's ask Bianca." Percy muttered.

The sky seemed to grow darker all of a sudden.

"I've tried," Nico said miserably. "She won't answer."

"Try again. I've got a feeling she'll answer because Percy is here." Daphne muttered.

"Why would she?"

"Because she's been sending me Iris-messages," Percy said, suddenly sure of it, "She's been trying to warn me what you're up to, so I can protect you."

Nico shook his head. "That's impossible."

"One way to find out. You said you're not afraid." Daphne sighed.

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