Agent Knowles' Anger & Frustrations

Start from the beginning

My kids are annoying as fuck. Like I love them but I can't stand them sometimes. I can never get ten mins alone with my wife without them come if to bother us. They need to hurry up and move out. I need uninterrupted pussy not "pull out right quick I'll be back" pussy.

Before you go well you asked for six kids. I know what I asked for mind your fucking business. I asked for them not their annoyance.

Anyways I got dressed so I can head into work. When I walked in the building I was bum rushed with crazy details. "BG thank god you are here. We have this crazy case and we need your expertise." Brandon said dragging me with him and Mike.

"Is this about the shotgun again?" I asked. We walked into the ballistics room and sure enough it was the shotgun. "I thought y'all got the wife for it."

"We thought it was the wife to until her alibi checked out now we are back to square one." Mike said looking defeated.

I had them run down the case for me again. After putting together the pictures and everyone's alibi. I got a clear picture of a possible suspect. "This is gonna surprise y'all but I have a feeling the daughter did it."

They looked at me like I have two heads. I said it was gonna surprise them. "That makes no since BG. She's only 14 and she was crying so hard saying how she loves her dad." Brandon stated.

"That may be true but her statement is a little detached. Are they still here?" I asked walking out the room. They nodded and took me to interrogation one.

The daughter was sitting there hiding her face with her hair, picking at her nails. Her posture showed she was still nervous and a little scared. "Who are you?" Her mother asked with such force and disdain.

Looking at the mother, she should be grieving but instead she looked more pissed than sad. "Hello Mrs. Swan, I'm Special Agent Knowles. I would like to talk to Malia."

"You can talk to her right here. We have talked to everybody and I just want to bury my husband in peace. I have three other kids I need to get to." She voiced. She grabbed Malia's arm, making her wince and jump.

I sat down at the table and calmed myself down because I felt myself cussing this woman out. "I understand Mrs. Swan just have a seat and we will be really quick." They sat down in front of me and I had to think of a way to get through to her without her mother.

As I started asking the mother a few questions I felt a kick to my leg. I looked down and saw that the daughter was trying to pass me a piece of paper. I grabbed the paper and it read, "Help me, PLEASE!"

I looked up to see her eyes pleading with mines. I hate these type of cases because it always goes wrong. They never let us remove the kids before something happens.

When I was about to start asking Malia question a suit walked in. Suits are what we call lawyers. "I'm Max Greene, my clients are finished here." I slipped my card into her hand before they got to the elevator.

When they got on the elevator a tear went down her cheek. I was pissed at this point because why do people treat their kids so bad? I could never think about treating my child like that.

I got so mad I punched through the glass door. Everyone was looking at me shocked. "Sorry everyone continue what you were doing." I called down for the janitor at the same time I heard, "Knowles office now."

Cap is actually easy going especially since she's kinda my best friend. I walked in her office huffing and puffing. She closed the door and looked at me. "BG what the hell was that?"

"I'm sorry Cap I'll pay for it." I started telling her what was going on and she understood my anger. "What do you wanna do about it BG?" "I don't know what I can do about it. That's where my frustration lies."

My day finally dwindled down. I sat at my desk and I couldn't get Malia out my head. I leaned back in my seat with my arm across my eyes thinking about what should I do.

My thoughts were cut short when I heard, "Daddy?" I set up quickly to see my baby girl standing there with a bag and a smile. Looking at her beaming with happiness made me happy.

"Hey princess what are you doing here?" I asked as I sat her on my lap. "Mommy said you are having a bad day so I asked her to drop me off here with you. Aunty Liv said that's fine also."

I'm not gonna lie that made me shed a few thug tears because my baby girl is so sweet. "Thank you so much baby girl that means so much to me." She leaned back and kissed me on the cheek then started setting out food on my desk.

Cap walked in as we were eating. "Alyssa, I know you didn't come here and not speak to me." Alyssa smiled a guilty grin before saying, "I'm sorry Aunty but my daddy was sad so I had to cheer her up first. I was coming after we ate lunch." She said so innocently.

"I guess that's a valid reason." Cap smiled. "Here Aunty I got you a plate too." She said handing Cap the other bag. "Thanks princess. How are you feeling BG?" She asked as she sat down to start eating.

"I'm good Cap." "Aunty why do you, and everyone here, call Daddy, BG?" Cap chuckled a little and so did I cause every time they hear that name the look at the person crazy. It was only a matter of time before they asked.

"Well that's daddy's initials. So we all shortened it to a nickname for her." Cap explained. "But Mommy call her BB sometimes. Daddy you have a lot of nicknames." She giggled.

"I know and so do you. I call you princess and bean. But mommy call you mini me and Lyssa." I explained to her. "Sometimes you and mommy call me Ladybug or just bug. I laugh at that one."

We laughed and then my phone rung. I looked at the caller ID but didn't recognize the number. "Agent Knowles?" I answered.

I heard heavy breathing then I heard, "Agent Knowles this is Malia. I need her help. I ran as fast as I could but I don't know where to go." I jumped up grabbing my keys.

"Do you know where you are right now?" I asked as I was making sure I had my gun and badge. I put the phone on mute. "Cap this is Malia she ran from home. Watch Alyssa I'll be right back." I walked to Alyssa and gave her a kiss. "Thanks for lunch and the pick me up, princess."

I took the phone off mute and hastily walked to the elevator. "I don't know can I share my location with you?" "Sure sweetie do it now." I got her location in 10 seconds. "Ok baby you are 10 mins from me. Can you hide somewhere until I get there?"

In the background it sound like music. "Yes but please hurry I'm scared." "I'm gonna get there as fast as I can. Can you tell me what has been going on?"

(A/N: What will Malia say? Will Beyoncé get there in time? Did Malia really kill her dad? Let me know what you think. Don't forget to Vote Vote Vote and Comment Plz.)

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