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Hola angels and angles lmao

Don't forget I love you all /p
(Unless you're uncomfortable with that then we are just homies)

Anyway sorry for not uploading I was busy on my new book

I'll make it up to y'all and write a bunch :)



Clay's POV:

~time skip to a month later so we can get this after all the waiting :O~

Me and George had started hanging out a lot. I was so glad I was able to get him to trust me and get warmed up to me. I felt like I couldn't stop hanging out with him, he was always so fun to hangout with. I hated how I just couldn't stay with him all the time.

I was glad to watch him get better and better as the days go by. I was glad to be able to be there for support when he felt down. But maybe today would be the day I tell him about my feelings I've had for a while. George sat down next to me.

"So this is the last day of school, finally after all the days." George said quietly.

"We're finally graduating today," I said sounding sad.

"Yep, after all these years of leaving people behind, after all these years of heartbreak, after all these years of making friends just to leave them all to go focus on your future," George said with glossy eyes.

"Awe it's okay don't cry, I'll be here with you and sap is coming with us to college remember?" I said.

"Yeah I know that almost all of our friends are coming with us to college but it stills hurts to know we'll have to leave our teen hood behind," George said barely above a whisper.

"Don't cry or feel sad, we knew this day would come and that's why all our friends are going to the same college, except for the mean football guys and the others who were never or barely talked about," I reassured.

George sighed and nodded.

"So don't think everything's gonna be gone, it isn't over just yet," I said.

"I won't stress it I promise," George said.

"You better not or else I'll bring out the tickle monster," I said.

"Hey just because I'm ticklish doesn't mean you have to threaten me with the tickle monster!" George said.

I wheezed and heard the last bell ring. Highschool was finally over and done with. The moment we've been waiting for ever since we were little tiny kids was finally happening. we might've hated High-school but we'll definitely miss it.

"C'mon, we should go hangout at my house and burn all of our school work, that's why I've been collecting it all year. Oh and also quackity and Karl are coming to burn it with us!" Sapnap said as he was walking past.

"I'm in, are you gonna come George?" I asked.

"Yeah," George mumbled.

"C'mon don't be sad and let's go hangout with our friends!" I said pulling him out the school doors for the last time.

We all piled into Sapnap's car as we went to Sapnap's house. He arrived into his driveway not too longer later, since he didn't live far away from the school.

"C'mon let's not waste time!" Sapnap said as he got out of the car.

We all got out of the car and Sapnap locked the car.

"Let's go burn it in the back yard!" Sapnap said.

Sapnap opened the gate to the backyard as he opened his backpack and dumped papers out of his bag. We all dumped our papers out of bags, leaving a mountain of papers.

"I have more of our work in my bedroom in a bag I'll be right back stay right there as I go and get it!" Sapnap yelled out as he went inside.

Not too long later he came out with a bag stuffed with papers to the point to where it looked like it was about to bust open any minute. He dumped the papers into the pile of papers and set the bag aside.

"Ready?" Sapnap asked.

"do it before I light you and your house on fire," quackity said.

"Jeez okay okay," Sapnap said as he pulled out a lighter.

He lit a few papers on top, the fire quickly spreading. The papers started to turn into ash as the fire began to get bigger and bigger. Any memories now burning into the pile. Burning all our troubles away. About 10 minutes later of talking and the papers burning, everything turned to ash.

"Won't your parents be mad that there's ash all over the backyard grass?" Karl asked.

"I'll clean it up later, it was worth it anyway," Sapnap laughed.

We all laughed and talked until the sun set. We sat in the grass as the sun was setting and watched the sunset. But before the sun could set I had figured I could have surprised George with colorblind glasses.

"George I've got a surprise for you," I said.

"Oh, cool what is it?" George asked.

I gave George the box with glasses in it and watched as he opened it.

"What are these?" He asked.

"Colorblind glasses so you can watch the sunset with us!" I said cheerfully.

George started to tear up and hugged me.

"Aw don't cry, be happy, why sad? Happy!" I said.

George giggled and sniffed.

"Put them on once the sun starts to set," I said.

The sun started to set a few minutes later. George slid the glasses onto his face. His jaw dropped and his eyes glossed over as he saw all the colors around him. He watched the sun set until the night sky rolled along into the sky as the stars light the sky up.

"George, I've also got a question for you," I said nervously.

"What is it?" George asked.

Sapnap, Karl, and quackity knew about my crush for a long time now and I felt like it was the right time.

"Will you uh, be my boyfriend?" I asked.

"Of course," George said with a smile.

I leaned in and connected our lips. Everything went according to plan.


(1030 words)

This is not the end, not yet!



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