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Bakugo opened up his eyes and glanced around, still in the classroom.

Great. I fell, and now I look like a clumsy dumbass.

He stood up."Did you fuckin' trip or something?" Denki was looking at him with a weird expression.

"Lowkey kinda sad you that fell like that..." Mina, why did she sound like that? Bakugo looked over at her. Mina was practically standing on Kirishima. She was so close to him. The three had really condescending expressions.

Another dream? Maybe I could make a better outcome-

"Real men don't trip like that. Fucking loser." The three started to laugh. Bakugo started to feel his head spin. His hands started to sweat.

Wait... Where's Sero? Maybe he disagrees with-!

Bakugo felt hands crash into his shoulder blades. He fell forwards, and his face smashed into the floor. He felt blood leak from his nose as he pushed himself up to look at the looming outline that was Sero above himself. The laughing amplified, Sero's normal cackle mixing in with Kirishima's raspy chuckle as well as Denki and Mina's high giggles. Bakugo felt tears well up in his eyes.

Stop crying, Goddamnit!! You're only pushing them!

"Aw, look, he's crying! What a loser."

Kirishima doesn't really think that does he?"

"Oh belive me Katsuki. I do."


Bakugo felt his eyes pop open. Bright lights flooded his vision as he blinked rapidly.

What the fuck happened?

"He'll be fine, you four. Go back to your classes... I think he might just have fainted due to exhaustion." Was that Recovery girl?

"Why would he be tired? Bakubro tends to go to bed at like, 9:00 every night!"

"He actually goes to bed at 8:45 every night Denki."

"Oh. More fact to my point! Thanks, Kiri."

"No problem, man!" Footsteps echoed through Bakugo's head.

"Well, he might not be getting good sleep... Just because he goes to his room early doesn't mean he's sleeping." Bakugo found the strength to sit up.

"I'm sleeping just fine, idiots." He felt a cascade of eyes land on him.

"You're awake!" He felt someone grab onto him."I thought you died! Don't faint like that again, stupid." Bakugo glared over at Mina and shoved her away.

"Get off me. I'm not the stupid one in this situation if you thought I died, raccoon eyes." Bakugo stretched his arms out in front of himself. "How long was I out for?" He looked over at the other three. Kirishima looked up at the clock.

"Maybe 20 minutes or so... You might've been out longer if I hadn't caught you, though."

"Yeah, you went down head first!" Denki made a crash noise as he angled his hand down to the ground. Sero smacked him in the back of his head.

"You scared us, not gonna lie."

He's definitely lying. He's probably mad I woke up. All of them are. Look at their smug faces.

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