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Ms. Acker
I'm worried about Draco, I haven't gotten a letter in a couple of days now.
He writes three times a week. I don't want to jump to conclusions but could you please check in on him. He seems to like you. I would really appreciate you it.

Thank you

         Narcissa Malfoy

She watched Draco read it, she stood in his doorway before heading down to breakfast

" mother seems to think I've taken a liking to you, she's bored" he closed the letter and looked at her "Do you want me to write a letter..."

" no it's fine I'm using a Ravenclaw boy now, starting today"
" oh, sorry" she turned around back to the door  " Why are you sorry?" He spat, she shrugged "Sorry if I did something to offend you, I enjoyed the ice cream" she rushed down the stairs and rushed out of the common room

Ginny was talking to her as she played around with her breakfast, nothing seemed good today

" Are you listening?" She asked " no"
" wow," Ginny sighed " when are you going to tell me what happened in Malfoy's room?"

"...it could be when you lose your guard the slightest around me you give a very lovely smile!"

" lovely" she muttered " lovely? where did that come from?" Ginny asked "I'll be back"
She got up out of her seat looking over to the Slytherin table, he wasn't there

She walked down two corridors until she finally found him and marched up to him

" Lovely?" She glared " Lovely?" He repeated in question " Who uses a word like that?"
" what are you talking about Acker, you're not making any sense"

" How is my smile 'lovely'" she waited for his response as he just stepped back "it's just a word" he shrugged, losing eye contact " look at me, you lunatic" he grabbed her neck pushing her against the wall, " you want me to look at you, I am now, so why provoke me?"

" I knew if I called you that I'd get your attention" she struggled under his pressure
" You have my attention, now what?"

" you think my smile is lovely?" Her snappy tone turned into a smooth and soft voice

He lost that anger in his eyes "Genevieve" her names rolled off his tongue so easily

He lost eye contact again

" look at me"

He did, she stared back "you are lovely" he mumbled, " I'm sorry I can't hear you, mind repeating that?"

He laughed, and she laughed with him, "Draco"
" Genevieve?"

" you don't have to use that poor Ravenclaw boy to write to your mother" she stepped away from the wall " Hm" he hummed " plus, I miss the ice cream"

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