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He's in a mood today, she's starting to see how bipolar he is, he found her in the great hall studying

He dropped a book off in front of her
" shit, you scared me" she grabbed the book
" I accidentally grabbed one of yours last night" he rubbed his brow " Are you alright you look... stressed"

" worrying about me now?" He showed no emotion on his face " no, not at all" she shook her head " thanks for the book" she kept her eyes on the parchment " and last night" she looked up at him

She could tell he tensed right then and there

" Malfoy!" Pansy entered the great hall
" are you coming, Theo and Blaise are fighting or who gets to pick the movie, I need your wisdom"

" I will be there in a minute Pansy" Pansy glanced over to Genevieve and then shrugged, telling him to hurry up as she walked out the hall

" You're welcome" with that he strode out the great hall, grabbing Pansy who was flirting with a guy by the door

Hermione was dating Ron, they've been on and off for a year now and it's exhausting
" He's a complete arse, he so jealous all of a sudden"
" are you two together Hermione?" Genevieve asked " Sort of"

"Hermione just does us all some justice and please break up with my brother" Ginny pleaded " You and Harry are the dream couple, I don't want to hear it gin, and you...." She gestured to Genevieve " You and Malfoy are getting close"

" excuse me?" Genevieve gave Hermione attention " Malfoy?" Ginny gasped " I am not getting close with Malfoy, Hermione you have no idea what you're talking about, just because you and Ron are having your problems don't rub them on everyone else"

" I do not rub them on you"
" you're always complaining Hermione, break up with him for good, you know that's what you really want to do, you're just afraid to because you think you owe it to him because of the war"

Hermione was shocked, she didn't say anything after that, she stepped back and walked out the room

" Someone needed to tell her" Ginny nodded " I was getting sick of it" she turned off her lamp and pulled the sheets over her

Getting close with Malfoy?

Genevieve scoffed, who ever would get close to Malfoy

She hated talking to Hermione like that but Hermione needed it

She groaned and stood out of bed, walking out the common room she found hermione pacing the hall

" I'm not sorry for what I said"
" no you're right, my time with Ron is over" Hermione rushed back into the common room

Genevieve remember seeing her rush up to the boys dormitories

She snuck into the kitchen, going over to the freezer she saw sherbert ice cream

As she grabbed it the kitchen lights popped on " stealing ice cream in the middle of the night, shameful" she practically screamed, " and you want to get caught" he picked up the spoon she dropped " What are you doing here Malfoy?" She closed the freezer and conjured a new spoon

" are you following me now, you seem to be every where I go" she put a spoon full of the ice cream in her mouth, he just watched her, no reaction at all
" and you're either angry or decently nice, what is it now?"

" Give me another spoon and you'll find out"
She smirked and handed him a spoon " you like sherbert?" She asked " strawberry is my favorite"

She's learning things about him, she had no idea if that is a good or bad thing 
" why were you so angry when you came into the great hall, did returning my book make you that angry?"

" Letter from my father" he lost eye contact "Oh" she leaned back on the counter " sorry about that"

"returning your book only made my mood slightly better"
" I'm glad I could make it even slightly better" he watched her smile

" if this is going any way like our past nights, we'll end up kissing but being to scared to take it any further" his eyes moves around the kitchen " Do... you want to take it further?" She slowly directed her eyes over to him as he put his spoon back into the ice cream

"how far are you thinking to take this tonight?" He watched her lick the ice cream from her spoon

As she tensed he sat down on the stool behind him

After a few minutes it seemed like she found confidence in herself again

" depends on how good the kiss is" she put her spoon back in her mouth, they were both watching each other

He gave her a gesture of his head for her to move closer
She did so, standing in front of him

" My kisses are always good"
" I don't know, you sort of slacked on that last one" she rose a brow, he didn't glare at her but he gave her a look the screamed she was in for it

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