1.2 How do I walk?

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'I'm not actually doing this am I?' I thought as I dragged myself backwards into the area of the cave that was actually illuminated by sunlight.

I am not actually going to believe this is actually real, am I? I mean, I had done everything that would have woken me up if this had been a dream, a lot of that included hurting myself. My right hand, or rather, my top right hand (I can't believe I had to specify this) still hurt from when I had hit the wall earlier. My senses were all sharp, nothing was dulled, no blurry vision, my hearing was fine, I was able to think rationally, as far as I could, anyway.

I had tried some math in my head, simple multiplications and additions and concluded that I did get the right answers to those too. The only thing that I had left would be to read numbers or words and see if they made sense. I looked outside into a lush, green forest filled with life and sound of birds and critters. That won't happen anytime soon it seems.

The sun warmed my blood-caked body as I dragged it to the entrance of what was now officially marked as ''hellhole'' on the map in my mind. Bit by bit my large extra parts came into view. It started with two slick, black ''legs'' coming into view where my legs would normally be if I were sitting in a chair.

Then eight long, black, spidery legs, all attached to a chitinous body segment that was in turn attached to my waist followed. Basically, my waist was where the spider's eyes would be? I could feel a tugging sensation somewhere when I dragged my ''knees'' over the grass, the short black hairs located there sent all kinds of signals to my brain.

How do you even call a joint in a spider leg anyway? Why did I even care? Maybe I should actually care, not for the name, but for how they work. Because for now, it seemed that that would be the way I had to move myself, to anywhere, really.

Great, I'm going to have to learn to walk on those. The thought alone sent shivers up my back, or was that the wind? I need to find something to cover myself as well...

For a moment I became self-conscious of my body, with literally everything on display. For the moment, I was at least thankful that I appeared here completely isolated. I wondered what somebody would do if they saw something like me in the first place. If this was still the States, I would probably be filled with holes in no time, and honestly, I couldn't blame them. Imagine your worst nightmare, something that couldn't, shouldn't exist, covered in blood standing in front of you.

I shuddered at the thought, I had not planned to die anytime soon, at least I hadn't before all this happened. Suicide may have been the easy way out, but it wasn't for me. I would at least try to live first.

After I had counted my legs, all eight of them (ten if you counted the ones that looked like they were meant to grab into whatever was in front of me) several times just to make sure, I dragged my body further into the sun.

What awaited my vision was a large black spider abdomen also covered in short hairs. And when I mean large, I mean huge. What was the length of my body from the waist up, was basically dangling on the other end as well as a huge black bulb.

''Great, spider-man's got nothing on me.''

I tried to distract myself by making a joke, I hoped it would calm me down a bit. Guess I am spider-woman now? Or spider-girl, I wondered for a moment if I could shoot webs. That in itself didn't seem so bad until I realized where webs actually came from. I looked at my new bulbous abdomen and felt my face flush with embarrassment. I decided to push ''finding out whether I can shoot webs'' down my list of priorities, like all the way down, to the bottom, perhaps even lower than that.

Elania, Arachne in a Different World. FxFWhere stories live. Discover now