Then, all of a sudden, there's a change in the conversation.

"Honey..." I hear Siara say in a cautionary tone. "Don't freak out or move, okay?"

Oh. So the arachnid has made its appearance again and has decided to attack.

"What?" I hear Zeke ask, confused. And then he apparently spots the thing, because then there's a curse word, the sound of footsteps and the door opening and closing.

I quickly move over to where I left the magazine and cup, switching them with the book I took from the shelf. 

Siara points the spider out to me, and upon seeing it I realize it was just as big as I initially recall it being, if not slightly more so. 

I quickly trap it and lift it up, about to move it outside when I meet Jasmine's eyes.

Then I watch as her gaze drifts to the book I set down on the counter. She picks it up, and I watch as her well-manicured nails with their stunning artwork flip a few pages half-heartedly.

"I remember when Penny brought this book here."


Total, raw, dreaded silence fills the room -- the kind that lets one know a subject that was not meant to be discussed has been brought up.

Whatever Vaughn and Siara had been discussing, whatever noises Tommy may have been making beforehand -- even the sound of his breathing or looking around -- it all seems to have gone quiet.

I have the good sense to not ask who Penny is. 

Instead, I ignore the little glances being sent in my direction by Siara and Tommy and look obviously to the giant spider still in my hands. And then I make a not-so-discreet beeline for the door. 

Who is Penny? And why does even a harmless mention of Penny cause such a reaction among them?

It's a struggle to get the door open with the spider, but I somehow manage in my desperation to flee the state of affairs in the kitchen. After getting it to shut too, I quickly walk out of sight from the window, off the patio area to the grass, where I decide I will release the spider.

Is Penny...dead? Why did Vaughn avoid my eye contact as soon as her name was mentioned? Why did Jasmine give Vaughn that look that obviously meant something? Why did Siara and Tommy exchange that knowing look, and then give me little glances like that?

It's dark, and I can hardly see a thing. With the light from the cabin, I can just make out the grass, the driveway, the treeline, etc. No definite details, just broad aspects of the area. 

This is exactly what I was afraid of. Of there being some huge piece of the puzzle I'll probably never get and having to feel uncomfortable about it whenever someone brings it up. So much for the happy, carefree feeling that I felt earlier in the car and at dinner.

It's quiet, so quiet, except for the lapping of the lake water and the sound of my rapid breathing gradually starting to slow down.  

"Oh, hey Mikaere," I hear all of a sudden. 

And, because I'm lost in my thoughts and completely caught off guard by the voice in the dark, I jump. 

And maybe let out a little yelp of surprise. 

And perhaps drop everything that I was holding in my hands, freeing the spider sooner than I had originally planned. 

I let out a little laugh as I hear Zeke's own laughter subside. "Uh, hey...Zeke."

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