Chapter 2

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Jimin stands outside the coffee shop looking up at the night sky as his back leans against the wall, worry plastered across his face. His stomach twists and turns, his soft, small yellow wings shaking with anxious tension against the bricks. It's been over a week since he saw or heard from Yoongi. It wasn't common for this to happen. Not anymore anyway.

When they were younger Yoongi used to lock himself away for days on end to focus on work, never taking care of himself properly. It always worried him and he always, without a doubt, went looking for Yoongi. One time, it had been so bad he found Yoongi passed out from working too much.

It wasn't fun rushing his best friend to hospital, but it turned out okay in the end and he made Yoongi promise to never do it again. To not lock himself away, to take care of himself and to always check in so Jimin knows he's doing okay. Yet he hasn't heard from him in over a week.

He tries once again to get through, pushing the call button on his phone. A soft whine escapes him as Yoongi once again, doesn't pick up. He jolts as his co-worker calls him back from his break and a sigh escapes him as he returns back to work.


Yoongi looks down at the phone in his hand, watching it ring. He feels his heart twist inside of him, knowing full well he's worrying Jimin by not answering. But he couldn't, not right now. He needs more time. He sighs and places his phone into his back pocket and continues on his way.

Not watching where he's going, his mind distracted by other things, he bumps into something solid that sends him backwards onto the pavement. "Shit..." Is all that escapes him as he looks up to see a man in a pristine black suit. He doesn't bother to look at the man's face as he stands up, and dusts himself off.

Namjoon is taken aback by the sudden force of this man in more black than he is bumping into him. He reaches for him but the stranger has fallen backward before he has a chance to catch him. Opening his mouth to speak, his eyes widen as he watches the male lean forward enough to give him a view down the front of his black shirt.

He reaches out to Yoongi on instinct, wanting to see if what he saw is correct. He pulls the shirt collar down to reveal the soulmark that's placed on Yoongi's collarbone. His eyes widen as his hands are knocked away, but he should have expected as much.

"The fuck are you doing?!" Yoongi questions with full volume, now looking up at the 182cm man with white hair and half rimmed glasses.

"I apologise," Namjoon starts, his voice cool and low, something that appears to catch Yoongi off guard. "Your soulmark matches mine." He states matter of factly.

"Pft, whatever," Yoongi retorts. "I already have a soulmate, so.." He pushes past Namjoon, bumping shoulders with him and grumbling under his breath as he feels the words sting his chest.

Namjoon's eyes widen at his words, his heartbeat quickening at the thought that he may have more than one soulmate. He grips Yoongi's wrist firmly and pulls him further down the street and refuses to let go even as the smaller male protests and fights against him. He wonders if this stranger feels the same tingle on his wrist that he feels in his fingers.

"Yah, let go! What are you doing?" Yoongi says, his volume increasing.

"You're making a scene..." Namjoon replies in a low tone, glancing back at Yoongi. He sees him looking around at others and falls quiet. Pulling Yoongi off the street and into a side alley, he pins him to the wall so that he's unable to escape.

"What are you doing? I told you I have a soulmate, so it's impossible. He has another soulmate anyway so none of this matters," Yoongi starts to ramble, panic rising inside of him from being dragged away and trapped.

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