Your Birthday

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For over a decade of your life, he was physically there for your birthday. Even a call would suffice, which he had done in previous years since starting the Phantom Troupe. But it was now evening and Chrollo had been absent in his efforts.

Even Hisoka, who you met during the hunter exam, sent you a message. How he knew your birthday - you were unsure. Either he found information on you or Chrollo had mentioned it to him since they worked together - which would mean Chrollo had not forgotten.

A soft knock interrupted your thoughts. Rushing to the door, you looked through the peephole to see a present on the ground but no one near it. You waited a minute before opening the door.

Squatting to pick the gift, your heart nearly stopped when you stood back up and ended up face-to-face with the person you had been thinking about. He had his hands behind his back and a small smile. His tattoo was covered with a headband and he wore a nice white button up. If you were not partially mad at him, you would have jumped in his arms.

"Sorry, finding a hunter's address isn't the easiest thing to do," he started, amused with your frozen body and wide eyes.

He handed you the flowers that were behind his back. "Happy birthday y/n."

You opened the door wider so he could enter and you placed the flowers and gift on the table.

You suddenly felt your feelings override your logic. You had wanted his presence more than ever. He had leaned againt the counter and you half-ran to him, opening your arms for a hug. He squeezed your body as much as you squeezed him. Masking the scent of his cologne, you shut your eyes. You could be here forever.

"Lolo," you released your grip on him. You could have sworn his arms lingered on yours. "I'm feeling homesick."

"You want to go back to Meteor City?"

"Not necessarily. When I think of home, I don't think of the craziness of that city. I think about our memories," you began to smile. "I feel like you're my home."

Something about seeing him that day made you forget about everything for a brief moment. Maybe it was because you were lonely or because it was your birthday.

You two hung out for a few hours.

"I miss our friendship. Do you think it's just gonna be something of the past?"

"I was afraid of that too," he admitted. "But no. I'm not going to let the most important person in my life slip away."

For a moment, you two forgot that there was a great source of tension between you. 

Can't Be Friends - Chrollo x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now