Chapter 1: Where It All Began

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POV Hope:

Hearing both momma and mama saying they remember the first time I met them, made me relive the memory of what happened on that very day.

*Flashback to that day over a year and half ago*

"Hope, we are gonna go to the mall to buy your mom somethings." Jim says as we are in the car.

"She's not my mother" I mumbled under my breathe.

"Do NOT speak to me with that tone, young lady!!" He says screaming at me.

I decide to not say anything back. I sit in the back of the car quietly and I can feel a tear roll down my cheek. Jim and Kara are my foster parents and ONLY my foster parents. I have never called them mom or dad, I will never call them mom or dad because they don't treat me like their child. Yeah, they keep a roof over my head, clothe me and sometimes feed me but I have never really had a connection with them. I feel like they are just there and I see them as a couple that looks after a broken child with CF.

I never knew why I was abandoned by my birth parents. I have asked Kara and Jim why but they would always reply with, "Just be glad that you have a place to stay and also you should be happy with us. We are all you got."

Just hearing "we are all you got" made my soul shiver. To be truthful, I don't think they know why I was abandoned. I just wish I knew where I came from. I am a literal walking talking mystery.

I was hoping to get in and out of the mall for two reasons: one, because of my social anxiety and two because I really wanted to get back home.

But boy I was wrong. So very wrong.

The last thing I remember is a car running a red light and hitting us head on. The loud crashing sound of the car was astronomically loud. The car flipped at least a dozen times before stopping upside down. The doors were so smashed on all sides that they were impossible to open. Glass from the window was everywhere and my adrenaline was so high that I didn't even notice the sheer pain coming from my back.

I slowly came out from unconsciousness and said" J-Jim? K-Kara? Someone, anyone?" "Wake up!! Please!!" I scream as I realize that they are both unconscious. I did not know at that time that they both died right when the other car hit us.

Seconds later, I hear sirens coming closer and closer, I put together that help is coming to help us. The car was totaled, my side of the car was banged up pretty badly but not as bad as the front of the car.

Approximately 10 seconds passed and I saw a firefighter pass me. Little did I know at that time that firefighter was going to be my momma.

"Hello? Can anyone hear me?" I heard the woman say.

"I-I'm in here." I said loud enough for the woman to hear. The woman got on the ground and asked me, "Hi sweetie, do you think you can tell me your name?"

"Ummm yeah, it is umm H-hope." I said in hesitation. "Ok Hope, my name is Maya. My team and I are going to get you and your parents out." Maya said to me. I quickly said to her, "Those aren't actually my parents, they are just my foster parents."

"Oh ok. Here is a question I have for you, are you ready?" Maya asked. I nod my head yes. "Do you know how old you are?" "Yeah I'm uhh. I'm 14." I say to answer Maya's question.

She nods and then gets up from the ground and her team comes over and pulls all three of us out of the car. I remained quiet the whole time, I really didn't have a clue of what was going on. I also didn't want to cause more of a scene as it is. If I'm being completely honest, I felt a real raw connection with Maya, I don't know why but it was really strong. She made me feel safe, she was also nice and sincere.

A few minutes later, I hear "on my count, we are going to pull him out. 1.....2.....3!"
They pulled Jim out. (they have already pulled Kara out.) "Ok Hope time to get you out now." Maya says to me.

"WAIT! I have Cystic Fibrosis." I remembered my condition as it was getting harder to breathe.

"Ok that is totally fine. I need to put this thing around your neck. It is a C-collar, it will stabilize your neck and prevent further damage to your spine. Would you like some oxygen to help you breathe?" Maya said. I nod back understanding what was just said to me. She got me oxygen and put it over my face. They get the door off of the car and Maya says to me, " I am going to try and do this as easily as I possibly can. But there is going to be some discomfort in your legs." My legs at the time were awkwardly penned in the car. As they pulled, I felt a shooting pain not only in my legs but my lower back.

Then, everything went black and silent.

I woke up hours later but it felt like seconds to me. I saw a bunch of people hovering all around me. They all have dark navy pajamas and white jackets or at least that is what they look like to me.

I tried to speak, "wh-what going."

The woman in the room shushed me and said, "Hey, my name is Dr. Amelia shepherd. Don't try to talk, you have a grade 1 concussion and I saw on your chart you have CF. I'm going to check something really quick. Is that ok?"

I gave her a nod yes.

She moves down to the end of the bed and took out a pen and rubs it against my feet but when she did that I couldn't feel it. "I'm going to do it again, ok?" She tells me. I give her a nervous nod and she continues to rub the pen against my feet.

By that time my anxiety was kicked into high gear. "Why can't I feel that??? What is happening to me???" I ask frantically. "Ok ok relax. How about you tell me your name? Dr. Shepherd says to me.

"'s.... Uh.....Hope." I said.

"It is totally ok that you don't remember. I'm going to help you regain your memories, you only have a minor concussion. So within a few minutes you will start to regain those missing memories." Dr. Shepherd explained to me.

"You are 14, correct?" "Yeah I think so?" I said to answer the questions. "Were your parents in the car when it was hit?" She asked.

I paused to think for a few seconds, thinking back on the crash and remembering Jim and Kara. "N-no they aren't my parents, they are my foster parents. Speaking of them, are they ok?"

"You are old enough to know and I'm going to give it to you straight." Dr. Shepherd said. "They are dead, aren't they?" I replied back to her. She shook her head yes and said "I'm so sorry." "It is fine, thanks for telling me." I replied shortly not really wanting to talk anymore.

"Do you remember Maya?" She asked me. I turn my head quickly back at her, instantly remembering who Maya was. "Yeah, why?" I ask. "Are you up for any visitors?" She asks me. I give her a small nod.

Maya walks into the room and says "Hi kid, you doing ok?" Her vibe was concerned but bubbly.

I responded "I'm okay but what are you doing here?"

"I came to check up on you." Maya said while walking towards me.

"No offense but I don't think checking up on a person you rescued is a part of your job. Your job is to rescue them and get them to the hospital." I said back to Maya.

"You're right but you are special to me." She says, making me smile.

Then, I see Amelia leave the room which that gives maya and I to talk about random things. After a little time has passed, I see Amelia walk back into the room with an IPad in hand and a concerned look on her face.



Author's note: Here is another chapter. @lokeyliyahh wrote most of this one but I (@TheFlash7656) put some more detail in it. Hope you liked it and as always comment your opinions and thoughts on the story.

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