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A sudden epiphany dawned upon Hua Qingling, illuminating the perplexing circumstances that had enveloped her since her arrival in this unfamiliar realm.

Hua Qingling pondered, 'Could it be that the original Hua Qingling, overcome with grief after losing her parents, succumbed to unconsciousness? Subsequently, my spirit seized control of her vessel, transporting me to this new world. But wait... does this mean both the authentic Hua Qingling and I have met our demise? Could I be... already departed from the living?'

Observing her speechless demeanor , Sect Leader Hua gently consoled her with a tender pat and continued, "I understand the magnitude of your shock, Ah-ling. That's precisely why I chose not to confront you immediately upon your awakening. Please, Ah-ling, summon your inner strength. Do you not yearn for retribution against the demon race? Together, we must stand against them."

Hua Qingling inquired cautiously, "The demon race?"

Sect Leader Hua hesitated momentarily before confirming, "Yes, the demon race bears responsibility for the demise of your parents. Rest assured, I shall leave no stone unturned in avenging my sister and her husband."

A fire ignited within Hua Qingxue at that moment, and her eyes blazed with determination.

Meanwhile, Hua Qingling retreated into her contemplative realm, reconciling the pieces of this newfound reality. 'In this world, it appears that my parents were cultivators. My mother seems to be the sister of Sect Leader Hua Qingxue. And Hua Qingxue is resolute in avenging her sister by battling the demon race. 'My mother' in this context evidently shared a profound bond with her elder sibling, though I am, in truth, unrelated to them. I am, after all, an enigma, devoid of emotion, whether towards my own kin or others. I shall merely feign compliance for the present...'

Addressing Sect Leader Hua, she declared, "Sect Leader Hua, I am now composed. I pledge to lend you my unwavering support in seeking justice for your sister and my mother. You have my word that I shall not easily falter; I will stand strong."

Sect Leader Hua responded with a quiet smile, "Very well, dear. I place my trust in you. But for now, you must rest. The nightly curfew is approaching, and I shall escort you back to Hua Gong Palace."

Hua Qingling questioned, "Night curfew?"

Hua Qingxue explained, "As per the regulations of the Meimen Sect, you are prohibited from venturing outside after nine in the evening. You must remain in your chambers, and by ten, you should be in slumber."

Hua Qingling, with a sheepish grin, replied, "Ah, I understand now."

"Sleep by ten! My goodness, I rarely even finish dinner by ten, and I am incapable of sleeping before midnight. Will my insomnia magically dissipate overnight? Oh, the web of sect rules commences as soon as I transmigrate here..."

Sect Leader Hua glanced around, searching for her ferret, which had retreated into a burrow beneath a bamboo tree. Without exchanging words, she guided Qingling back to her quarters. Upon arriving at Hua Gong Palace, Hua Qingxue broke the silence, saying, "You seem rather timid since your awakening. Take your time. Good night!"

HuaQingling responded, "Good night, Sect Leader."

Hua Qingxue suggested, " You need not address me as 'Sect Leader' constantly; you may call me 'Aunt'. "

Hua Qingling, somewhat flustered, replied, "Good night, Aunt Hua."

With a chuckle, Hua Qingxue departed, strolling down the path flanked by magnificent magnolia trees.

Hua Qingling contemplated, 'It's already 8:40, and I've been resting for quite some time in the evening. I doubt I'll sleep through the entire night. And these pills...'

She examined the pills that Hua Qingxue had offered before her departure and swallowed them. Musing to herself, she noted, 'These pills...they seem to invigorate me and taste far better than conventional medicine. Yet, after feeling revitalized, all I feel is drowsiness washing over me...'

With a wide yawn, she reclined on her bed, and within moments, she was in a deep slumber.

In truth, those pills were administered to induce sleep, a measure taken to dissuade her from venturing out during the night. Concerned that she might act recklessly in the aftermath of yet another shock, they were meant to keep her from harm's way.

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