"let's play the mini basketball" i say holding billie hand

we go to it and there was two of them. we both start at the same time. i was making most of my shots and i notice billie was barely getting them in yet her score was higher...how the hell?

as the time ran out i make the last three and watch billie miss her last. she has a high score of 6,362 and i have a high score of 8,837.

"that's not fair i cant aim" she says

"well too bad"

"let's bowl" she smiles

we walk over to the bowling alley and grab bowling shoes our size. we put them on and go grab balls that weigh enough for us.

i stick my fingers in the holes and smirk looking back up at billie. "this how my fingers be in your -" she covers my mouth so i cant finish

i lick her hand and she pulls back looking disgusted,like she didn't have her fingers in my cooch and down my throat.

i see a girl waving at me rapidly,with a large smile on her face. i was about to be who the fuck is she but then i remember billies famous or whatever.

i wave back and billie turns around to see the girl. "hey" billie says and the girl runs over and hugs billie

"i love you sooo much" the girl says

"aww i love you too" billie says "what's your name?"

"sky" she says

"that's pretty,how old are you?"

"i'm 10" she smiles

a lady walk up to us calling for sky. "oh youre that billie singer she loves" the lady says smiling

milf milf milf milf

"yes and you must be her mom?"

"yeah,you're all she talks about"she smiles

"well it's great i got to meet her" billie smiles

"she even told me about her wife,hi" the lady smiles at me

"hey" i say

"well we are going to go and leave you two be" she smiles before her and sky walk off

"she's hot" billie mumbles


"nothing!" she says

we begin playing and when billie rolls the ball the first time it goes in the gutters where she left her lover. not me though...

she does it again and hits strike. we play three games,i won the first one and billie won the other two.

"i love you" she says

"i love you too" i smile at her before we go play other games

two hours later we decide to get something to eat. we sit down and everything is fine up towards the middle of us eating out food.

 LABYRINTH ;billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now