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billie pov

"i have never been so bored in my life" i say

"just because your girlfriend isn't here doesn't mean it's boring" finneas says

"but it's does,all of you are boring except for my girlfriend"

"i'm not boring" finneas says

"yes,finn you are" i say before getting on my phone

i put in my headphones before facetiming y/n. she immediately answers it. "hey"i say

"hey baby" she smiles

"what are you doing?" i ask

"i was going to go sneak into a bar with zeliah but you're probably going to talk me out of it"she rolls her eyes playfully

"i mean you can go if you want i don't really care" i shrug

"okay,you excited for your first show tonight?" she asks

"yeah,we are like five minutes away from the venue now" i smile

"i cant wait to watch the videos"she laughs

"i miss you" i say

"i miss you more baby,i got you something you might like" she smiles before propping her phone against something

"what is it?"

"i cant tell you,you'll have to wait until i see you again" she smirks

"mhm,you suck" i flip her off

"we are here" finneas says

i groan in response. "well i have to go baby,i lo-bye" i say before hanging up

"i heard that" finneas laughs

"shut up!" i say sternly

we get off the tour bus and enter the building. while the crew get the stuff situated i go to the bathroom.

i use it and do what i have to do before pulling out my phone. i snap a picture of me before sending it to y/n. i then leave out and head towards the stage.

everyone seems to still be busy. "well i'm gonna go explore this venue just call me when it's time for sound check" i say

i leave out of the stage room and begin wondering around the venue. i come across a vending machine and i get some random candy.

i turn around and immediately bump into someone. she's a girl with green eyes,fair color skin and have small tattoos on her arm. she's wearing jeans with a blue crop top.

"um,hi" she says

"hi...sorry about bumping into you"

"it's good,i'm jessica and you are?"

"i'm billie,i'm performing here" i say

"oh wow how come i've never heard of you before"she says

"i don't know,but you must live under a rock" i laugh

"i work here,i could probably sneak you into some areas that's only for workers and not even performers see" she suggests

"yeah of course,that would be cool" i smile

"follow me" she smiles

i follow her to this hall that i missed while going to the vending machine. we walk all the way to the end and enter that room.

it's full with camera footage from all over the stadium. "this is where i work" she says

"you don't get bored?" i ask

"no,it's actually pretty interesting and funny"

"well damn never would have guessed that"

"so you're a singer or??" she asks

"i'm a singer" i say

"what genre?"

"mhm i don't really have one so like alternative" i say

"that's cool as hell" she says before grabbing my hand "i have other places to take you"

we end up in a room full of medals and trophies. "this is where we keep the stuff that our teams win at" she says "if my boss found out i was showing you these places i would be fired" she laughs.

"ha! they won't find out though" i say


"promise" i smile

she was just about to say something when my phone begin ringing. "yo" i answer

"it's time for sound check" finneas says

"ok ginger boi" i say before hanging up

"well i got to go to sound check so catch up with you later?"

"catch up with you later" she smiles

a/n: 👩🏽‍🦲

hmm ...jessica????

 LABYRINTH ;billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now