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random bitch billie

i want to meet you 🙄


why not?????

i'm not good with meeting people

me either

than why meet each other if we both will be awkward

how's your girlfriend page?

her name is sage
but she's good

didnt really care
but i asked because it was nice idk

how's your imaginary gf that you don't have

i don't know
how are you

i'm good

she said she's good

i'm so tired
i might just fall asleep

can we facetime?

girl you done lost yo mind
what if you do some crazy stuff?
you might flash me

i would never

yeah sure
what are you in college for?

i'm going to be so honest
but i don't even know
maybe i'm just doing college so i could get the experience?
but i want to sing

you should then!
drop out idk

well i don't want to drop out due to the money my parents paid to get me in here

oh yeah i get that
you should send a voice memo of you singing one day

or maybe you could hear it live?

if i meet you either my girlfriend or my sister going to have to be there


yeah her name is zeliah but she's older than me


why the three dots?

no reason

hm ok

but i will get to meet you right?

maybe billie

i know you're tired so gn


 LABYRINTH ;billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now