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y/n pov

"oh right! hey baby" billie says hugging me

"nah,what kiss ?" i ask pulling away from her

"no kiss,i was just you know,in a silly goofy mood" she says obviously lying

i walk past her going to finneas. "what the hell is she talking about?" i ask him

"she's a cheater" he says

i turn to look at billie before nodding and walking off. "she's way too calm" i hear billie say

i go upstairs and take billies stuff out her drawers. i begin cutting up her stuff. i'll be nice and not cut her underwear.

i go over to her shoes and begin creasing them. i take her favorite pair and crease them worst than the others.

i get the heating of that i use to soothe my craps and plug it in. yes i'm about to make her pillows warm on both sides.

i go downstairs to see her and finneas talking. "so uh tell me what happened" i say

"jessica kissed me"

"i forgot about that bitch" i say rolling my eyes. "but wait why were you two even together?"

"she wanted to be friends again and said she was sorry about what happened"she says

"so you went to her house,to quote on quote hang when you could've just hanged here,we got plenty of fun activities to do here" i say

i'm sorry but i'm pretty sure that jessica girl don't have a gun house like ours so what could be more fun than her pussy.

"baby,why are you so calm it's scaring me" she says

"i'm fine,actually i'm going to head to bed so" i smile before going upstairs

i place the heating pad that's now hot on her pillow. while that gets hot i'll go change her shampoo out. i pout out all her shampoo putting nair in it.

actually once i do all this i forgive her i just need to get my anger out. the real question is...would she have told me if i didn't come in?

i unplug the heating pad and put it back where i had it before taking my shower. i put on some shorts and a tank top.

i leave out of the bathroom to see billie with a confused face looking through her clothes. "what the hell" she says

"you're welcome,i thought it would give you some fashion frenzy or whatever that roblox game is called" i say

"my shoes!"she exclaims running over to them

"i also made a special design in your shoes" i smile

suddenly she slams me against the wall,wrapping her hand around my throat. "oh fuck yes mommy" i fake moan

"that's kinda hot though...but why the hell did you do that to my stuff"

"cause i can,since you wanna fucking cheat"

"babe,it will never happen again i promise"

"i don't believe you,cheaters don't just cheat one time"

"so you're telling me,you don't want to be with me anymore?"

"nigga when did i say that??" i ask

"i mean we'll you just said you didn't believe me,which means you don't trust me,why would you get married to me"

"because i love you stupid,i trust you but where you even going to tell me if i didn't walk in?"

"no i wasn't,but finneas probably would have talked me into"

"okay,i'm just going to go to sleep" i say pushing past her,just tired of all this shit

i get in bed facing outwards. i then feel the bed dip beside me and i feel her lips against my cheek.

she lays down and then yells. "you really had to make my pillows warm on both sides?"

"yeah,it's still not enough though" i say

"i'll do anything to make it up to you" she says

"then shut up" i say before putting my head under the covers

billies pov

the next morning,i go downstairs and get a glass of water. i'm bored...might just throw this on her.

i go back upstairs before pouring the water on her. she jumps up "WHAT THE FUCK"

i laugh,but mostly in fear cause she's crazy. "well baby i was bored so i decided why not mess with this fool"

"you're the real fool,if you think things are going back to normal"she says

"can i have some pussy pleaseeeeee?" i ask

"no" she says

"baby,we get married tomorrow i need pussy all this week,it's bad that i didn't get non last night" i say

"go to jessica"she says

"fine! i will" i say just to see what she would do

"so why aren't you moving?" she asks after five minutes

when i don't respond she says "exactly what i thought,i love you but you can't trick me"

 LABYRINTH ;billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now