1919 {2}

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"What the hell."

The Hounds stood there, not comprehending what just happened. Their blood run cold to their bodies and their knees couldn't bare them.

The sense of passing out was high to their minds and the dizziness was rising up. After a few seconds of blackness Selene could recognise movements of her friends.

They were in the same state as her; dizzy and confused.

The people there, wearing old fashioned clothes, were looking at them in a weird way.

The six friends could swore that seconds before they were in the quiet neighbourhood, but now they were in a place which was full of toxic air and people dressing oddly.

"Where the hell are we?" Fjor asked anxiously. His body was pinned to the ground and his hands ran through his dirty blonde hair.

His gaze was quickly on Selene, watching her, studying her face hoping to find a hint of that she would knew what had just happened.

The people already were making a circle around them whispering to each other feeling disgust and interest in their view.

Selene realized that it wasn't their surroundings that was out of place, it was them.

The girl with the red hair like blood wore a black T-shirt with high waisted blue shorts combined with black tights and boots. Suddenly she felt a flow of cold wind and wrapped slowly her leather jacket around her body. The boys wore a simple hoodie with trousers.

While the women there were wearing short heel and shirts which where around their calves. The men where suited with buttoned shirts and pants.

"Guys, I think we need to leave, we are already making a scene." The girl said, who sound like a whispered to the frightened boys. If she stayed another second in that place, she would cried.

They quickly moved, followed by the gazes of the browsers.

With an isntict they all stopped at an old styled coffee shop, or a bar. Selene couldn't exactly recognise what the building was useful for.

"The Garisson" Thomas mumbled reading the big sight of the building.

"Okay, Thomas come with me." Selene motioned her friend to follow her inside the Garisson. She handed her bags to Marcus  and anxiously took slowly steps approaching the entrance of the bullying followed by Thomas.

"Maybe I should go." Fjor stepped put a hand in front of Thomas's body to stop him from walking.

"Why Man? Because I'm black?" The tall, black boy questioned with furrowed eyes. Selene didn't stop walking to watch the argument. She was thinking too hard to notice the heated scene that was occurred behind her back.

"Just let me go with her." Fjor answered without taking his gaze off of the girl with the red hair.

They didn't know what was happening inside of that Garisson and Fjor felt that Thomas couldn't protect their female friend if something happened, despise his big posture.

Marcus raised his eyebrow looking at his best friend, Brandon, to see if he was thinking the same. Brandon didn't realised what was happening but when Marcus moved his gaze to Fjor and Selene, Brandon smirked.

It clicked to them that Fjor had feelings for Selene but she was too indifferent to notice and the Norwegian boy too oblivious too understand it.

Selene was proud enough to admit that she was scared.

She was scared about the fact that they were in the wrong place.


In the wrong time.

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