The Peaky Blinders {3}

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"The Peaky who? What kind of name is that?" Selene asked quite loudly receiving a scared glare from the men and women who where hidden in the sidewalks.

The street was now clear and Selene could now see them.

The men that everyone feared.

The Peaky Blinders.

There were about seven or eight men walking proudly. They wore almost identical clothes and it was pretty clear that some of them came from a wealthy family.

The clothes they were wearing could cost a fortune. Shinny boots, coats that were around their calves and clean suits.

But the most notable thing in their appearance was their peaky hats.

Selene Asterdeen however, wasn't interested in the hats, but the thing they had on them. A thing that was shinning in the moonlight.

It was a blade.

These men with the peaky hats and the blades on them.

"Peaky Blinders. Men with peaky hats who blind people with the blades on them." she thought.

The man who was walking in front of them, was different. He walked like he was a king, like he owned everything there.

He wasn't married. He didn't have a wedding ring. His posture was imposing but his half of his face was hidden behind his hat. The girl couldn't see much of him.

Selene was so lost in time, observing the men walking like a slow motion, that she didn't realise she was abruptly dragged by Tony away from the street.

She thought it was a shame that she couldn't see his eyes. The eyes can tell everything about a person.

"Τι μαλάκας..." (What an asshole...). Selene mumbled in Greek under her breath feeling already annoyed by their presence.

She looked besides her to see Thomas gazing at them with a raised eyebrow. Tony was in front of her, shielding her from the eyes of the dangerous men.

But he could see her.

Thomas Shelby could see her underneath his hat.

He couldn't tear his eyes off of her despise the lack of light. However, the moonlight made her look like a goddess.

Her cheekbones stood out from her face, but the most outstanding thing was her hair. Long and straight with a color he hadn't seen before in a person. Dark red. Like the blood he had seen so much in France. Her lips were pink, so as her cheeks, from the cold.

He couldn't peer her eyes due to the darkness of the night but he assumed they had a dark colour. His gaze trailed down to her body. She wore a big black coat that everyone could see that it wasn't hers.

He suddenly wished that it wasn't night so he could look at her better.

Then, he continued his walk like nothing ever happened.

Like she was a hallucination, a thought that now faded away. But she had a place in the back of his mind.


"Guys, wait, I lost my necklace!" Selene yelled stopping them from running. She double checked to see if her moon necklace was in its place, in her neck, but it was gone.

She started to panic inside. That necklace was unique and it had a sentimental value. It was one of the most important things she had in her life.

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