Marcus {8}

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"Guys! Guys! Run!!!"

Tony and Selene looked each other confused at the voice who sounded very familiar.

Tommy signaled the Blinders to lower their guns and leave as there was no threat, paying his attention to a figure that was running towards them.

"What the fuck are you doing? Run!" a boy yelled while he was passing between them continuing to run, making Selene's hair fly.

What the fuck is wrong with you Universe?

"Was that Marcus?" Selene questioned raising her eyebrows in confusion. His curly dark hair was sticking to his forehead and if the teenagers didn't know better, Marcus looked like he was about to pass out, but no, he was running like a hound until he turned to a dark alley of the awful city.

"I think yeah?" Tony answered scratching his head.

In matter of seconds, two more figures debouched from a street running as fast as the could to apparently catch the boy with the dark hair. As they approached fast the teens saw that they were grown men with almost dirty clothes.

"Yeah, um I think we have a problem." Selene quickly said looking around her to see something that could prevent these men from catching their friend.

Tommy was standing a little further, alone, observing the situation. He knew these filthy men, dogs of a known drug dealer in Birmingham. But how and why is the girl he is so fond of, involved?

"The Shadow" as he called himself -not that anyone knew his real name, not even Tommy- was a dangerous man, a man of shadows, hence the name, who was distributing drugs all over Birmingham and beyond and everyone knew better than messing with this man.

"Tony! The bins!" The girl yelled pointed with her index finger to the large trash cans at the sidewalk. Tony confusely looked around him but still didn't understood. "What?"

"Are you blind or something?" she scolded him running to the bins and with a disgusted face grabbed the lids and gave one to her friend. Tony's face lit as he understood finally what she meant.

"Okay, on my count!" The English boy shouted but it was too late because the teenagers had already smacked the lids to the men's faces. The men fell harshly to the road with a loud groan.

"Yeah...nevermind. High five Fox!" Tony raised his hand for Selene to complete the gesture which she happily did.

Their small victory soon came to an end from the groan of the one man who quickly got up and raised his gun towards to the boy.

"Tony!" Selene screamed with a bloody voice that echoed to the last house of Birmingham.

And then, the shot was fired.

But not from the man's gun.

The shot was fired from Tommy's gun who had a cigarette resting calmly on his lips. He had a cold look on his face and his index finger still on the trigger.

What the fuck is wrong with him?
Selene thought while processing the situation, her eyes glued on Tommy's face, to find any emotion, any indication of regret, but she saw nothing, literally nothing.

The Blinder couldn't meet her eyes. He was scared that if he saw her face and mostly her eyes, he would be drown to them and then, he wouldn't be able to look away.

There they both stood, speechless, confused and ashamed.

The girl was confused, really confused by the problem that has appeared in front of her. That man took a human's life without any remorse. Does that make him a psychopath? Should she stay away? Was it a silly move to still hang out with him? Was it even a hang out?

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