Saturday Morning

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I wake up Saturday morning with the sun on my face
I put on my NewBalance shoes and eat my breakfast of eggs

Now I'm ready to do what I've been dreaming of all week
The lawn needs mowing  and edging and I need to fix the sink

I fire up the lawn mower and plow through the uneven yard
My diamond pattern may look easy; but it's unusually hard

Next I grab the edger and start near the back
I hum a tune from the Eagles as I perform my craft

The flowers are finally growing so my wife comes out to check them
She sees the yard and I tip my hat as if to say "you're welcome"

I check under the sink and find the spot where it is leaking
I hold a rag to the p-pipe but the water is already seeping

I let my son hand me tools as a nurse would a surgeon
I talk to him about his school to see what he is learning

We wash our hands and go out for saturday surprise
We promise to eat healthy and get a burger drink and fries

My son has the remote so we watch a cartoon with fish and seaweed
I tilt my head back and start snoring, but I swear that Im not sleeping!

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