chapter 7what lies in the past

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*In nyoko dream of the blood rose kingdom* "Sweet kiyori never forget where you came from always remember when hard times come you can always come to the rose chamber" smiled queen amorna as she looked at her daughter who was staring at her. "But how will I know when bad things already happening how can I find it oh please please tell me mother please" said kiyori as she held her hands together crying. "Kiyori you must find the rose chamber room all your answers will be there" said queen amorna as she faded away*End of nyoko/kiyori dream
'Nyoko nyoko wake up please wake up honey oh well I guess no brownies for you'smiled amorna as she looked at her daughter and smiled."Im up momma morning" smiled nyoko who yawned. 'Morning now get up the sun is lovely and your in bed I gotta tell you something later'said nerokoa as she looked away and went to find jake."I wonder if momma alright I hope shes going to be alright I wonder what queen amorna means by the rose chamber I gotta find it I have so many questions" crying nyoko wiped her tears to find zeek arms around her as she looked at him.nyoko for give me for what I did wrong I didnt want this to happen to you I was foolish no stupid at that""zeek its not your fault its not so dont blame yourself okay" smiled nyoko at him which cause him to smile back at her. "Nyoko Lets go lets go to the past with our friends so you can learn the truth of your past" "thanks zeek thank you so much" causing nyoko to hug him and causing him to hug her back. 'Well isnt it the cutlets couple' laughed kurai and usagi."hey stop teasing no fair at all" 'Well lets go btw how do we go back to the past nathan'causing kurai to look at him. 'Well we have to fly there it might take one or two hours' 'WHAAAAAA YOU MEAN FLYING HELL NAH NAH IM SCARED TO FLY'screamed usagi causing kurai to spank her. 'You can hang on to me usagi' smiled seyia causing her to blush and hugs him. "Awww so sweet " laughing nyoko as everyone walked outside seeing two angels coming down. "Shit shit not now oh fuck no I will handle them" causing zeek eyes to glow dark red 'Wait zeek lets see what they want first then attack' causing seyia to look at zeek who nod yes and nod nathan. 'Hey little brother are you still the traitor I know' smirked marana as she looked at nyoko who hide behind zeek holding on to his arm. "Marana leave now dont come back at all why you came are you still dakota bitch buddy" glared zeek In anger as he held nyoko behind him. 'I havent came for you traitor I came from kiyori' glared marana In anger getting watched by victoria from the sky.'Shes foolish if she think he will give that girl away so easily' sighed victoria as she looked at them arguing which amused her. 'Leave now or eles we have done no harm to you so Just leave us alone please' screamed kurai who eyes was blurred with tears hoping marana would let them pass by. 'Kurai Its not going to work this the same bitch who took someone Important away from me' as usagi held her head down and stay quiet.'dumpling head you alright what she took away from y-''Just kill her rip her to shreds she will pay she will pay for everything that happened SHE TOOK MY MAMOCHAN AWAY' screamed usagi as pure white wings appear out her back showing the crescent moon on her head as she lashed out and flied to marana with tears. 'USAGI STOP PLEASE STOP OH PLEASE STOP' screamed kurai as the same thing happened to her as she flied to usagi and tried to stop her. "STOP USAGI PLEASE STOP DONT DO IT PLEASE HURRY KURAI STOP HER" cried nyoko as she screamed In tears anger confusion and pain. 'I WONT QUIT NOT TILL MAMOCHAN SOUL HAVE HIS REVENGE THIS BITCH WILL PAY SO HELP ME I WILL DIE TO GET IT'screamed usagi as a sword with a dragon on it came out as she fleed closer to marana with tears anger and rage. 'DUMPLING STOP HE WOULDN'T WANT THIS AND YOU KNOW IT THINK ABOUT IT PLEASE USAGI PLEASE''THIS IS MORE THAN REVENGE SHE TOOK HIM AWAY FROM ME SHE WILL PAY SO HELP ME AS QUEEN OF CRYSTAL TOKYO I WILL MAKE THIS BITCH PAY WITH BLOOD' this was getting out of control both seyia and nathan fleed to usagi and kurai to stop her. 'This is foolish but you are determined to get his soul In peace tell me moon girl Is revenge important than seeing you live for another day' smirked marana this enraged usagi so much as tears came from her eyes//Mamochan will get his revenge even If he dont make It// said usagi with tears *Flashes back of her and endymion being happy together* 'I will never let you out my sight again' said serena hugged him and he hugged her back. 'I wanted to hold you forever like this' as he smiled back at her.*End of flash back*'YOU STUPID BITCH BYE HE WILL BE PLEASED WITH YOUR BLOOD OVER THIS BLADE YOU KILLED HIM WITH SAY YOUR GOODBYES AHHHAAAAAAAAA''Foolish' said marana as she moved out the way and got behind usagi. 'Wait what how you''Easy farewell moon girl be with him In the after life''USAGI GET OUT THE WAY SIS' as kurai pushed usagi out the way to get a blade through her which scared everyone. 'KURAI NO KURAI' screamed nathan as he ran caught her as she fell into his arms 'K-Kurai No No' said usagi as she held kurai In her hands only to see kurai hands open and touched her face 'Why why you got hurt I was the one who wanted revenge It should have been me not you Its not fair at all' cried usagi as she started to shake ' cant control your emotions sis....your alright that all that matters' smiled kurai. 'K-Kurai dont you dare die dont you fucking dare' a red eyes tears usagi held kurai. 'Its my fault you got hurt Its all my fault It should have been me' cried usagi please stay your the only sis I have. *flash back of usagi and kurai when they was little* 'Come on sis lets see if you can catch me come on' smiled a smile serenity as she laughed and a small kurai catched up with her 'Hahahahahahaha wait up sis' smiled kurai as her and serenity played ring around the rosey and laughing and hugging eachother quednserenity smiled at both of her daughters.
*End of flash back* 'I Had enough of this you all can be trap into eternal darkness I am taking the girl with me rather you all like It or not' said a marana as she screamed as she fleed to kiyori and zeek 'I WILL TAKE HER WITH ME ME BACK TO DAKOTA'"NO THE HELL YOU WONT I DONT FUCKING CARE IF YOU ARE MY SISTER YOU SELF FISH ASS BITCH LAY A HAND ON HER AND YOU ARE DEAD" screamed zeek as he fleed to his sister as they both started fighting which scared the hell out of nyoko as the others land and she ran to them. "Kurai please hang in there please please" cried nyoko as she held her head down crying hard  than anything in his world out of no where a dark red light came from her which caused zeek and marana to look. "Is this her true power" 'nyoko' 'what the hell' screamed victoria to get grabbed down by nathan and held by the neck 'This is my only chance' as marana spread dark magic that made everyone unconscious and caused nyoko powers to propel it and started to heal everyone. 'What the hell are you' screamed marana, the pain the sorrows the love the happiness, the joy was coming back. 'Its time you remember princess' smiled a projection of a kind queen. 'Who are you may I ask wait are you'
'Follow me my nyoko my daughter my princess and the key to everyone future' said the projection of the queen. Tbc............

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