"Yes dad, he is." She rolled her eyes.

"You know, it's okay to have sex." He smiled proudly.

He caught them too, once. But surprisingly, he was okay with that.

"You know, you can have sex! It's not a problem, not a problem at all." He explained.

"Oh god." Reese mumbled, looking at her dad like he was crazy.

"In my house? Not a problem. In a cinema? A little more exciting I would say." He continued.

"Dad." She stopped him, awkwardly chuckling. "Please, stop." She asked embarrassed.

Steven didn't listen to his daughter and continued, "A thing you can try is in a library. It's really entraining."

"Dad, it's becoming a bit embarrassing." She said as she moved a piece of hair behind her ear.

At the same moment, Stiles knocked on the door, making Reese sighed in relief. She opened it, mumbled some good bye to her father, took her coat and closed the door.

Stiles's eyes widen at the rush but then understand when her dad yelled though the door,

"Just don't forget the condoms!"

Reese's cheeks were red like hell.

When they arrived at Derek's loft, Reese went to walk inside, hands in hands with Stiles but he stopped her.

"I just have to meet Scott." She nodded before continuing, "It won't last long, I'll meet you in a few." He then kissed her on the lips.

Reese made her way upstairs, when she entered she saw a lot, and I mean a lot of people dancing, drinking or making out. Almost all of their body were painted with UV paint. The Valraven searched for the stand and found it, she walked near it.

"Face or body?" The painter asked, holding a brush.

"Body." Reese didn't hesitated.

The blonde girl started to paint some swirls here and there. Then she painted her lips with a flashing pink.

The brown haired girl thanked her and walked away.

Meanwhile, Stiles met Scott and Kira and entered the loft as they talked.

"It just showed up there on my key ring this morning. Reese had the same on hers. We asked my dad and her's but they didn't know anything about it." Stiles explained, looking at the keys. He took Reese's one so he had the two in his hands.

"It's just keys, right?" Scott questioned, not seeing where the problem were exactly.

"Yeah, but it's not mine and neither Reese's. And I don't know how they got there or what they are for."

"You want to leave so we can figure it out?" Scott asked as they stopped near the doors.

Reese smiled when she saw her boyfriend in the room. She made her way toward him.

"Hey you." Stiles sighed happily, seeing her painted body.

"I'm a little drunk." She told him honestly as she pulled him into a big kiss.

Without Warning  ✺  S.S Where stories live. Discover now