What Awaited Her

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Another firm knock - the seventh in ten minutes - sounded against Hagrid's cabin door, Atlas staring at the worn wood despondently as she waited for the man's reply but, just as it had been the past few times she had tried to talk to him, he didn't respond and Atlas was left to stare, standing in the snowfall with a firm frown on her face. She waited another moment, kicking up a clump of powdery snow with the thick toe of her hide boots and watching as it splattered against the man's hut walls. 

In a way, Atlas was angry at Hagrid. Angry the man would ever consider she would hate him because of something she already knew, angry he would even entertain the idea that Atlas Black of all people, would hate him because of his heritage - because his mother happened to be a giant. She'd had to go through public humiliation since she was a child because of who her father was and the fact Hagrid was ignoring her because he no doubt felt ashamed was an insult.

"Hagrid! Open this bloody door!" Atlas hounded, banging on the door this time. She could hear Fang scratching the other side, whining and whimpering. "Hagrid! I already knew! I've known forever Hagrid! I don't hate you! You must know this!"

She sighed, thumping her head against the wooden frame and pounding it one last time before turning away, head in her hands as she grumbled under her breath, kicking through spheres of snow. They looked to be the beginnings of a snowman but Atlas didn't care, they weren't animated yet so she didn't feel too bad about destroying them. She threw her weight around, spinning around with a huff and glaring at the cabin window. Honestly, she had half a mind to shift and go barrelling into the back door, knowing full-well he had barricaded it for that very reason.

Wouldn't stop her though. Nothing stopped Atlas from doing what she wanted. Excepted when it had something to do with the girl she very much liked. That thought just made her despair, even further. Shouting to the high heavens, she fell atop the snowy floor, eyes closed and nostrils flaring as she rolled around like a mad dog seeing snow for the very first time. Thinking of mad dogs reminded her of Sirius however and that really was just the icing on the cake, the bloody cherry on top.

"'Aving fun?"

"No!" Atlas wailed, looking up at Fleur, disgruntled and frustrated. "Everything is shit."

"'Ello to you as well, Atlas."

"Right, hello Fleur..." She grumbled, sitting up. Fleur regarded the spot next to her silently before sitting down in the snow, tucking her skirt as she did. She seemed to shiver when her behind made contact with the cold but Atlas didn't notice, staring into the forest with a rather hollow expression. "Haven't seen you in a while."

"Ah, well...after ze ball, I came down wiz a terrible cold," Fleur frowned but then flushed. "Davies 'ad me in the bushes, it was quite zrilling! Being up to no good as ze teachers prowled ze outsides."

"Glad you had fun, Fleur. Truly and hey...sorry about the -- the kiss," Atlas sighed, rubbing at the back of her neck.

"Zere is no need, without it, I fear the night might not 'ave gone so well for me. Zough I 'eard zere were complications between you and 'Ermione?" Fleur murmured, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I 'ope it was not irreparable. You are on good terms now, right?"

"Yeah, you could say that," Atlas mumbled. "Are you going to Hogsmeade?"

"No, I am trying to make some 'eadway on ze golden egg," Fleur admitted, retracting her hand. "I am just taking a break."

It was the first time they'd spoken on anything to do with the tasks in a while and Atlas found herself momentarily taken aback, wondering if she should pursue the topic also. She herself hadn't made any progress at all, of course, it was no fault of her own. After she'd taken that recovery break she'd come back only to be thrust into something else. Preparations for the Yule Ball. Most of her time leading up to the event had been taken doing dance classes and then she'd been hospitalised straight after, so Atlas thought it was fair she'd wanted to take a step back. 

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