𝕲𝖔𝖇𝖑𝖊𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝕱𝖎𝖗𝖊

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1980 September 6th, Thursday Afternoon

"I think they'll be the best of friends when they grow up!"

"You think so, James?"

"I know so Evans!"

"We're married yet you still insist on calling me, Evans..."

"Well, Lily, there's this legal term called divorce that you could go through and--"

"Maneface!? Are you trying to worm your way back to my wife!?"

"She wouldn't need to worm her way back, I'd welcome her with open arms. I recall my days in her embrace being some of the greatest."

"Awww Lily, you gorgeous girl...so, do you want to elope or what?"


"You're so dramatic, Prongs..."

"I know you did not just call me dramatic, Padfoot!"

"Shhh! You'll wake them!"

"Sorry love..."

"It's a shame Moony couldn't make it...Wormtail didn't even respond to my letter...what's going on with him?"

"Dunno Ammy...I really don't know."

"For now let's just finish the celebrations of Atlas's first birthday..."

"Right...Happy Birthday my darling daughter..."

"May I call a toast?"


"What? I promise it's not stupid."

"Go on then Prongs, say your piece."

"Thank you, Padfoot...anyway...I forgot what I was going to say..."


"Er? Good luck Atlas? Well, she won't be needing much luck cause Harry'll be there, ey?"

"Are you forgetting the boy carries your genes, James? If anything my Atlas is the one who'll be getting Harry out of trouble."

"How about they'll get each other out of tight spots? Always have each other's backs."

"Couldn't have put it better myself, my darling!"



The two cradled babes startled awake and everyone turned to a pale-faced James Potter.

MAGIANIMA  // Hermione GrangerWhere stories live. Discover now