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Atlas didn't know what time it was when she was shaken awake but she knew it was still early in the morning as the sky outside was only just beginning to lighten. Hermione was hung over her, face pulled into something akin to urgency but Atlas couldn't tell, her eyes were still adjusting and she was too befuddled to recount the hours before. So when she got up and found herself in Hermione's bed, the girl hanging over her in just a nightgown and herself in pyjama shorts and a barely on tank-top, she momentarily froze.

"Atty," Hermione whispered frantically cupping her face in her hands and shaking Atlas's head around a bit to wake her up, "Come on, there was a scream."

"A scream...?" Atlas asked tiredly, rubbing her eyes with a yawn, "What time is it, Mi?"

"I don't know, come on!" Hermione continued and Atlas nodded, climbing out of the bed and following after the shorter girl who had clasped her hand in hers as soon as she stood. The two of them bumped into Lavender and Parvati as they too opened their door to check out what was going on. 

"Do you have any idea what happened, Hermione?" Lavender asked.

"No, come on, let's go and see," Hermione replied and dragged Atlas down the stairs, Lavender, Parvati and a few other girls following their lead. Atlas was still yawning and rubbing at her eyes, slightly hunched over in fatigue. She couldn't get drunk from firewhisky but she could get extremely tired. Which was why, as soon as they stopped in the common room, she hung her arm around Hermione's shoulder and leant her cheek against her head, eyes dropping lazily despite the situation that should have had her wide awake.

"What's going on?" Fay Dunbar asked - she was another third-year girl, though Atlas had rarely spoken to her.

"No idea," Katie replied.

"Excellent, are we carrying on?" Fred asked and Atlas groaned, tucking her face against Hermione who smiled softly and patted her arm.

"Everyone back upstairs!" Percy ordered, hurrying into the common room and pinning his Head Boy badge to his pyjamas as he spoke.

"Perce -- Sirius Black!" Ron said faintly. "In our dormitory! With a knife! Woke me up!"

The common room went very still and Atlas suddenly looked wide awake, she let go of Hermione and strode right over to Ron, grasping his shoulders in her hands to shake him from his frantic state. He looked oddly pale, with a look about him that reminded Atlas of a petrified fox.

"Are you sure?" Atlas asked but he was too distracted to respond, "Ron are you sure!?"

"I'm sure! I'm sure!" He cried.

"Nonsense!" Percy said, looking shocked. "You had too much to eat, Ron -- had a nightmare--"

"I'm telling you--"

At that moment the portrait door swung open, revealing a rather furious looking Minerva who fixed the common room with a deadly and disappointed glare, "Now, really, enough's enough!" she yelled, "I am delighted that Gryffindor won the match, but this is getting ridiculous! Percy, I expected better of you!"

"I certainly didn't authorize this, Professor!" Percy refuted, puffing himself up indignantly.

"Minnie, Ron said he saw Sirius Black," Atlas told, lulling the common room into quiet and agitated chatter.

"It was probably just a nightmare--"

"It wasn't a nightmare!" Ron yelled, interrupting Percy and going straight to Professor McGonagall, "Professor! I woke up, and Sirius Black was standing over me, holding a knife!"

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