Oh No

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Everyone made their way out of the Great Hall, an excitement heavy among them. Atlas was talking idly with a few Beauxbatons that passed, even the rare Durmstrang that wasn't diligently running after Headmaster Karkaroff stopped to chat. All the while, she held Hermione's hand tight in her own, it seemed the girl was adamant to get away but Atlas still wanted to talk to her, which is what led to the arrangement they were in now. Atlas nodded and smiled at yet another comment, a Durmstrang clapping her shoulder heavily in respect as he ran to catch up with his mates. She winced at the action but managed a smile through gritted teeth, immediately letting it go when he was out of eyeshot.

"Shit..." She grimaced, wheezing slightly. Hermione snapped out of her momentary strop and looked at her in concern, squeezing her hand to ask if she was ok. "I'm alright."

"You sure?"

"Just the bite, don't worry about it," Atlas smiled, butting her head against Hermione's. "Come on quickly, I need to ask you something--"

"World Holder!" Zasha pushed through her fellow Durmstrangs, popping up beside the two with a wide grin and a spring in her step. "There you are! I could see your head over the crowd, props of being tall, 'ey?" she grinned and Atlas nodded, watching as Zasha slowly took notice of Hermione beside her. "Oh! Who are you?"


"Bushy hair! Hermione, yes?" Zasha greeted, holding out her hand. Hermione took it slowly, her arm almost clicking out of its socket when Zasha shook it heartily. "You are the one! Viktor says you are--!"

"Zasha!" Atlas interrupted and looked at her friend with an exasperated smile. "Calm down, come on...uh," she looked back at Hermione, "I'm gonna take her back to the ship. Are you okay with that?"

"What? Oh, yeah, go ahead," Hermione nodded, with a smile that didn't quite meet her eyes. Atlas regarded her a moment and went to speak, only, she realised Zasha was no longer by her side and was jogging down the empty corridor to their left toward the teachers quarters. 

"Godric, Zasha! What is she playing at!? Uh...Mi, I'm really sorry," Atlas tried but Hermione only shook her head waving her off. She didn't look at all as unaffected as she tried to present herself, however, as, like before, when Atlas had asked her about the bouillabaisse, she refused to make eye contact and instead looked down at herself with a distant sort of look. Atlas sighed and pinched her cheek, ruffling her hair as she took off after her troublesome friend.

Her troublesome friend that was acting more aloof than usual, which only meant one thing. Atlas came to the corner Zasha had disappeared around and came face to face with the blonde girl, finding her eyebrow cocked and shoulder up against the wall. She was faking it to garner Atlas's attention.

"You sat with Fleur!" Zasha complained, Atlas rolled her eyes. Ever since they were younger, the two friends had a sort of rivalry between them. They'd met when Atlas went from Beauxbatons to Durmstrang, as Fleur had gone with her. A rivalry was sprung between them, regarding who was the better witch and apparently the more attention one got from Atlas, the stronger they were. Atlas had no idea how they'd come up with that deduction.

"Let's get you back to the ship, Zash..." Atlas sighed.

"Delacour still thinks she's a better witch than me."

"You haven't spoken yet."

"I can still tell," Zasha declared, crossing her arms as Atlas pushed her down the hallway. "So, your brother is Potter boy? You never told me that."

"I didn't know and he's not my biological brother, nor is he half or step. We're god siblings," Atlas told, settling to walk beside her because Zasha had taken upon herself to graciously start walking, saving Atlas from the pain of pushing her all the way down to the Black Lake. How thoughtful.

MAGIANIMA  // Hermione GrangerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum