The Legend Tamer pt. 1

Start from the beginning

Ash went livid at this. He gained a level of rage that couldn't be contained by a mere Pokemon battle. With all his force, he rushed over and began to start punching Darkrai on the chest.

"How could you?!? Do you know what you've put them through?!? Nothing you could say or do would ever make up for that!!!" Ash roared with absolute aggression. Serena had never seen Ash in such a state, but quickly regained her composure enough to try and hold Ash back. But the combined effects of his superior strength and adrenaline meant that Serena could only do so for a few seconds before Ash went back to his flurry.

Darkrai was unaffected by that assault, but could still feel slight nudges as Ash punched it more and more.

'I understand why you would hold such contempt for me, but you must realize, I'd only done so because my master had ordered me to.' Ash held a fist back in midair as he heard this. He looked up at Darkrai, and could see a faint hint of sorrow in his eyes. Ash thought over who Darkrai could be referring to, but the answer came shortly after.

"Master? Wait, you mean-?"

'Yes, I am referring to the very same Tobias you faced in the Lily of the Valley Conference. And my master had he'd ordered me to come here to place a nightmare upon Goh.'

"Wait, but why would he do that??" Ash could feel the animosity start to build up again.

'I plead with you Ash, you must understand, my master's not in the right state of mind!'

Ash and Serena thought inquisitively upon what they just heard. What does Darkrai mean by that?

'I suppose you're curious, so I'll explain,' Darkrai said, 'After Tobias had won the Sinnoh League, he'd gone on to challenge Cynthia for the title of "Sinnoh Champion". He'd never suffered a defeat before, so he'd gone into the battle with full confidence....'


"Alright ladies and gentlemen, the time has come for the long awaited battle between Tobias, the challenger, and Cynthia, the champion." The announcer excitedly stated.

"So who you got?" A man in the crowd asked.

"Its gotta be that Tobias dude. Cynthia's tough, but its about time someone came and showed her the door, and some guy with a Darkrai and a Latios definitely has this in the bag." His companion responded.

"Yeah, I get you. This guy hasn't lost a single battle yet through Sinnoh. The closest he'd ever come to losing was against that kid in the League, but he only managed to knockout 2 Pokemon before losing. They even gave Tobias a nickname after he won. I think it was something like 'Legend Tamer'."

That seemed to be the general consensus for most fans alike. Tobias' unbroken record put the odds in his favor. He walked out to the open arena with great spirits as he anticipated his upcoming championship battle.

"There he is, folks. Tobias, the Legend Tamer, has arrived!" The announcer commented.

Tobias welcomed the applause by proudly waving his hand to the audience, his confidence was evident. The last roadblock in his path to greatness had arrived from the opposite side of the arena.

"And here comes our reigning champion, Cynthia!"

Despite the lack of faith in her victory, Cynthia was still met with a standing ovation from the loyal fanbase she'd built throughout her years as the Sinnoh Champion. She gave out a confident smile to the audience, before turning her attention to the challenger.

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