A/n : (You can choose what your dress looks like. Along with your hairstyle).

As she proceeds to walk, her phone vibrates.

[The Boy Wonder - Zeke Jaeger ]

"Yes, Zeke ?" She beams, putting up her phone to her ear.

"Are you off work ? What are you up to, m'lady ?"

(Y/n) chuckles upon hearing what he called her, "Oh, I have an appointment in a nick of time, so.."

"Really ? Where ?"

"At the Trost Hotel Lounge."

An idea popped up in Zeke's head, "Hey. I just happened to be around there. Can I see you for a second ?"

"Um.. I don't think now is the right time.. Like I told you, I have an appointment."

"I actually want to give you my answer for your book concert proposal. Don't end me if I end up changing my mind." Little did (Y/n) know, a smirk is present on the blonde's face on the other side of the line.

"Wait ! I.." (Y/n) begins to sweat, "fine, but I don't have much time, make it quick, okay ?"

He laughs, "Just ten minutes, so don't feel pressured."


With hesitant steps, (Y/n) begins to head further into the hotel lounge area to meet Zeke.

'Jeez.. Why can't he just email me the answer ?'

----------Meanwhile in the hotel lounge----------

The man's dressed neatly in a blazer, not so different from his daily work attire, but still.. It's formal wear. He sits by himself, in front of him, is an empty chair for the special guest tonight.

"Ms. (L/n).." He started.

"Congratulations for being the only woman who'll receive my ordinary, yet wholehearted confession. From now on, you have my love and attention."

Unexpectedly. he sighs in frustration.

"Tch.. Dammit.. Those words should be good enough, I made the script all night long so this better work on her. I even emphasized the word 'ordinary', since she mentioned wanting to be married to an ordinary man."

Levi crumpled the script in his hand.

And now... he just has to wait..

Without knowing that trouble is on the way....



As soon as the famous author heard the sound of a lady clearing her throat politely to get his attention, he turned around.

"Wow.." His eyes go up and down, admiring her beauty. So far, he only saw her in an office blouse, and now, here she is. Wearing a dress for an 'appointment'.

Zeke's astonished by the woman before his eyes.

"You were stunning before, but even more so now."

She only shook her head in denial, shy by his compliment, "no, no. I'm not even stunning in the first place. You should wipe your glasses."

"Judging by your outfit, it looks like it's an important date today, hmm ?" he grins.

"Pardon..?" (Y/n) tilts her head to the side, "OH ! Well, uh.. it's not a date, but it is indeed something important. I know this isn't something we should discuss right here but I have no time, so.... Did you make up your mind ? Regarding the book concert."

The blonde nods, "yes. I thought I'd take your word and give it a go."

"Really ??" She gasped.

He nods again in confirmation.

(Y/n) smiles widely, her eyes lighten up in utter happiness, "oh my, thank you so much Zeke !"

"This is why I wanted to see you, because I knew you'd be happy," he chuckles, "oh !"

Zeke rummages through his leather bag and pulls out something.

[Once In A Lifetime]

She eyed the book closely , "Huh ? Isn't this your new book that's coming up next week ?"

"It's for you, as a token of our new partnership."

(Y/n) received the book with both hands politely, "Holy... Thank you !"

"If you open it you'll have more reasons to thank me, beautiful lady," He winked, "I even signed it for you."

The woman flips open the first first page.

A meeting that began with coincidence might just be fate

- Zeke Jaeger-


Written By :

~The Boy Wonder~

Like a kid receiving a gift on Christmas, (Y/n)'s mouth gaped open. She looked up to the blonde man, "Oh my gosh, thank-"

She stopped when she felt the book escaped her hold.

The next thing she knew, the book that she just held earlier, is shoved harshly against Zeke's chest by a firm, pale hand. (Y/n) whipped her head towards the figure next to her in pure shock, "Mr. Ackerman ??!"

However, her voice fails to reach Levi's ears as he keeps his cold eyes locked on Zeke, who looks unhappy with Levi's action. (Y/n) could see the vein in his neck throbbing slightly, his breathing pattern indicating that rage is building up in Levi's body. With a threatening glare, the vice president of the Ackerman Company gives the blonde a warning.

"Stay away from my girl." 

What's wrong with Levi's Secretary ?  [Levi x Reader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz