Alexandra nodded absent-mindedly, staring at the group of dueling second years. Liam had been in the Council, and not met her? That was rather puncturing. Did he fear that she would cling onto him if he was too amiable? Not even a word of information - or a single wave - or a smile. She was upset first at Mark Fannel - for not informing her of what Kane was telling. Then she was upset at Master George - for being overly disciplinarian. She was upset at Kane Alden - what was the point of recounting it now? And she was upset at Liam himself - with whom she had not right to be upset.

'It was at one in the night,' Kane continued, oblivious of what was going on in her upset mind. 'The forums are top secret - but he did ask of you,' he nodded. Alexandra turned to him, with half an impressed smile, her resentment vanishing. 'I told him you were thrashing all the boys. Not literally, but almost. He said he wouldn't have been surprised had I meant that literally either. Your patron is enviable.' He added, now shaking his head and stretching ahead to hold his ankles. 'So,' he then began, in a change of topic manner, 'the next year, your fourth, will be the final. The fifth year is just service to the Council, you help train the junior ones. And I hope, Mabel, you become an Exclusive Agent. We need one like you.'

She looked out into space, once again, but with a different thought. They needed one like her. Was she that good? Alexandra didn't believe it. Not much. She, as far as her memory went, had always been the unwanted extra. Disposable. And there had always been the sword of expulsion hanging on her neck in Doveland. When the expulsion had finally happened, had something in her changed? 

It was bound to. That was what pressure and challenges did to people. Now that it was three years of her exile, enough time had passed for changes to become visible. She wouldn't notice them herself, of course. But others surely would.

And then again, why was Kane her tester? Why not anybody else, out of the hundreds of spies in Idgard? How did Master George decide that pairing up? Because it was certain, that these things were intentionally done. Or, why was Watson sent to Mark Fannel? Somebody, with whom, he had a hard and fast rivalry? 

'How do they decide these pairs? Why are you my tester, and Mark is Watson's?' She asked, turning back to him. 

'You haven't guessed?' He asked back, smiling. Then shook his head in a fine, I'll tell you manner. 'It can be just anybody. But preferably, it should be someone with whom you share emotional ties. Like Mark, as we all know, would love to kill Watson. So yes, Watson fears him. There is apprehension. There are, let's say... feelings. Positive, or negative. But they are. And it makes the test much realer.' He enlightened and then shook his head once again. 'I was tested by James Braydon. And I had a bright rivalry with him. He had called me a blonde racoon and I had responded by stuffing maggots into his soup. Which he did eat and fell sick for a month. After that, he wouldn't just spare me. In fact, I was very lucky to live through my third year.' He recounted, grinning. Then he looked beyond Alexandra and pointed. 'I think someone else is here too, let's see.' He declared, getting up. 

Indeed, two other people were standing next to Master George, who was only a speck from that afar, yet she had no difficulty recognized his flowing beard.

'Come on.' Alexandra agreed, standing up. They jogged the length of the grassy campus to where the specks were.

It was Watson.

'So?' Asked Master George, Watson looked like Fannel had got hold of some major revenge on him. His clothes were tattered from places, each exposing a dagger slash. He was not at all well, one of his eyes were black. Still, he was grinning ear to ear, like he'd burst into laughter any second.

'Pass sir, and the lad earned some grudging respect too.' Mark replied. He, for his part, looked pretty unscathed. Which made Alexandra feel a tinge of fear of him. These two - had had a real duel and it was obvious what sort of a duel that had been. His hair was blown to a side, his mouth was a tiny bit swollen. But he was Mark Fannel and he had not a single bruise on him.

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