[1] Paris

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„I will miss you so much!" I hugged my parents standing in front of my gate at the airport. „We will miss you more, y/n." I broke the hug and wiped away a tear that rolled down my cheek. „We will see each other soon, I promise." I grabbed my bags and waved them goodbye one last time as I walked through the security gate towards my plane.

The plane ride was long and I slept through most of it because the time difference would fuck me up otherwise.

„Dear passengers, please fasten your belts as we will be landing in 30 minutes.." I got woken up by the captains announcement and immediately fastened my belt and got ready for the landing.

I couldn't wait to start my exchange year in Paris's Françoise Dupont Highschool and even graduate there. I was so excited to also meet lots of new people, make friends and see Paris's superheroes. My favorite was Rena Rouge. Yes, Rena Rouge.

The plane landed and I quickly got off. Waiting for me was my host family, the Lavillant family. They held up a sign up for me so I'd find them more easily. I walked up to them and greeted them nicely.

They took my stuff and walked me to their car where they put my stuff into the trunk of their van and we drove off to their house.

I looked out the window in awe. The weather was so beautiful, the sun was shining, flowers were blooming everywhere and the eiffel tower was shimmering in the beaming sunlight. I smiled to myself happily as I imagined the school and this year being just as beautiful as the scenery right in front of me.

My host dad knocked on the car's window. „We've arrived, y/n." I jumped a little. I was so deeply in thoughts that I haven't even noticed that we already arrived neither that we stopped driving. I got out of the car and they helped me unload my stuff.

They gave me a little housetour and showed me to my room. I thanked them and started unpacking, then decorating my room which I finished in about an hour.

Just as I finished somebody knocked on my door. „Come in." I exclaimed.
„y/n, please come downstairs, dinner is ready." my host mom smiled at me warmly as she turned and walked downstairs. I followed her and saw the already prepared dinner table. The food looked delicious.

I was just about to sit down, when I heard a very high pitched „scream" from behind me. „Oh my god, hey!!" a girl with a blonde pixie cut exclaimed while running towards me. She hugged me tightly. She was really short, like about 4'8 or 4'10, I couldn't really tell.

„Uh- Uhm, hi." I hugged her back hesitatingly until she let go. „I'm Rose, your host sister AND classmate! I'm so excited to finally meet you y/n!" she exclaimed happily. „Hey Rose, I'm so excited too." I answered awkwardly, scratching the back of my head.

„Rose, let's just eat. You can bombard y/n with your questions later." my host mom chuckled and sat down at the table. Rose and I smiled at each other and both of us sat down and joined them. The food was very good. We had Avocadopasta, salad on the side and a soy chocolate dessert.

After we finished eating, I helped them clean the table, thanked them, wished them a good night and went to my room. I had to get up at 6 am tomorrow so I wanted to get a good night's sleep, they understood that, especially Rose.

I packed my things and chose an outfit for my first school day tomorrow and went straight to bed. I scrolled through Instagram and Twitter for a little while until I fell asleep.


A/N: Hey, this is a very short chapter, I know. BUT LISTEN, it'll get longer and better. Please be patient with me <3 Writing this story is part of my therapy to fight my depressions. Thank you sm for reading <3
PS: I love getting comments!

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