The image is used for reference purpose and belongs to the rightful owner

After they were done, Perth pulled Saint against his chest and they both lay on the couch. "Babe, this weekend we are going to begin with the renovation work. I have asked Plan to arrange everything already." Perth said as he stroke Saint's cheeks gently.

Saint looked up at him and smiled. "Pin, won't it be too early? We have just returned from honeymoon." Saint said. "Atleast it's scheduled on weekend. I wanted to start the work today itself. I can't wait to turn this house into a comfortable home for you and me." Perth spoke and placed a soft kiss on Saint's forehead.

Saint was happy but he wanted to spend some time alone with Perth. Perth kept stroking Saint's cheeks and the other was soon asleep.

As Saint lay on Perth's chest, Perth's thought migrated to his life before Saint.

Perth's POV

When Perth started working

I can see myself approaching my target. I'll work hard and soon I'll have my own business, my own big mansion, my key to happiness.

When Perth started his own business

Finally!!! One big step towards my dream – my own business. I'll ask Plan and Yacht to join me. I will never find anyone more reliable than them. Though I never tell them how much they mean to me, though I am rude to them all the time, they know that I am happy to have them around me. All this time they have been with me. After that incident, I didn't know what to do, but Yacht would always be around me to take care of me. He even had to compromise his relation with Sammy that had just started. And most important of all things, they never complained about my rude behaviour.

When Perth built his house

Finally, I have done what I had dream of - a big mansion. I won't need much of the rooms. They are just for show off. I'll just need hall, living room, kitchen and a bedroom. I'll ask Plan to suggest me what to do of the remaining rooms or I might just let him do what he wants.

After having achieved his goals

I have every luxury one would want in their life. A big house, luxurious car and a successfully running business that is expanding with a great speed. But why do I feel something is missing? This was what I have aimed for. This is what I wanted to achieve. I had worked hard for this, I have spent so many sleepless nights to get here. But after all this, why do I feel that all this is useless? Why am I not satisfied with everything?

When Yacht announced his marriage

Yacht looks so happy with Sammy. I never thanked him enough for having stood by my side all this time. I should better gift him something that will be worth his efforts. I am thinking of making him in charge of the new branch we are setting up. I'll gift him a new house as his wedding gift in the nearby area. If it haven't been for him, I would have felt very lonely. He stuck to me even though I kept pushing him away. The only stupid person I could call to be my best friend. He is worth more than anything I could give him.

When Perth didn't feel like going back to his house

What is the difference between office and house? Both are same for me as I feel lonely in both places. Only thing the house could offer me is a bed to sleep without anyone disturbing me. It won't hurt if I sleep here. Either way, it's one and the same. Going back home is like going into a place that just has many rooms and furniture and surrounded by creepy silence. I have no more hope left to think that I could ever be happy.

When Perth's mother asked him to meet the girl of her choice

I never regretted listening to my mother but today, I feel disgusted. It's not because my mother asked me to meet that girl but because my mother doesn't know what have happened in the past. It was this girl who snatched my boyfriend from me. And seeing her now, I feel that life is playing some trick on me. Why can't I get a little happiness? Am I not worth it? Am I that bad?

When he met Saint for the first time

Damn!! What is this feeling? Why am feeling so happy after meeting him? Is it him whom I had been searching for all this time? He looked so beautiful. For the first time in my life I felt that he is someone that belongs to me. I would do every possible effort to keep him to myself. I may look foolish but I want him around me all the time. I feel like he's the oxygen that I need to survive.

I'll ask Plan to get his bedroom ready. I'll ask him to decorate it the way he thinks Saint will prefer. I'll need to buy some stuff too for the house. May be some decorations to make the place look lively. I want something that will comply with his looks. It should be something that will make him feel comfortable being here.

Oh! I need to hire some people to clear the surroundings and ask to decorate the garden. I'll tell them to put some chairs there so that he might sit in the garden whenever he feels like.

I should ask Plan about his favorite food. I'll cook for him all the delicacy he likes. I am so excited about marrying him. I know I am selfish but I cannot risk losing him. I feel this is the only way to keep him near me and am doing it.

I have to talk to Plan about various other stuff. I also need to plan the wedding. Oh my God!!! Time is rushing, I better hurry up.

One week before Wedding

Plan had finished setting up Saint's bedroom. He even told me about his favorite food and things he like the most. It seems this guy finds happiness in small things. I never thought that a rich guy could be so down to earth. He likes sunset, I'll try to take him to beach for sunset. Plan tried to gather as much information about his likes and dislikes as much as he can.

On the day of wedding

It's time!!!! I am going to marry him today and I can't describe the happiness. He is a shy baby. I like the way he blush at each compliment, his cheeks turn red and makes him look prettier. There will be lot many things I'll learn about him in future.

Perth was lost in thoughts and soon he drifted to sleep. His breathing was even he had a satisfied look on his face.

It had been a while now and Saint woke up. He found Perth sound asleep and he was lost in admiring Perth's beauty. He slowly lifted his hand and started to trail his finger tenderly around Perth's face tracing the small small details as if he was a piece of art. His fingers trailed around the cheeks and landed on lips. The smooth lips that make him feel butterflies every time they touched him. He traced the outline of the lips before roaming over the crack.

Perth woke up to the delicate touches only to see Saint admiring him. "Like what you see?" Perth asked teasingly. Saint blushed and hid his face in Perth's chest. Perth pulled him close and let out a sigh.

"Pin, you look so happy now. You were looking so much satisfied when you were asleep that I couldn't stop admiring you." Saint spoke against Perth's chest. "It's all because of you babe. I am happy that you are mine. I feel my life is complete." Perth replied and caressed Saint's back.

After a while they got up from couch and walked towards the kitchen. They were going to get back to work tomorrow so Perth planned of having dinner early. So that Saint will be able to get proper sleep after dinner. 

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