Chapter 8

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We finished lunch and were going to the museum. The architecture of the museum was incredible. I was going haywire with my design ideas. We were in the superhero room when suddenly we joker and goons flooded the place. Immediately my friends and brothers got to action.

I told my brothers to go and change while we handle the situation here. They were hesitant, but did as I said. We hit the goons until they were knocked unconscious. But the goons just kept coming. Then, the batfamily decided to come in. I swear they did it on purpose for a badass entry.

The situation was quickly taken under control and the cops were called. But the joker escaped again, that's a disappointment as I wanted to break his nose. As I turned around and checked if any of my friends had any injuries, I noticed that the class were still shaking from the experience. As I went to comfort them, Lila had to open her mouth and say,"Look, there's Marinette trying to be brave and fight the joker to become famous.".

I think Bruce(still not comfortable calling him father, he is still bat man now) had enough and said,"If she and her friends weren't there you would have died."

That shut her up quickly. I mean insulted by the resident superhero in public, that's something. After checking us for any injuries the batfamily left. And my brothers entered the room. Come to think of it no one noticed my brothers gone, and neither of them noticed that Mrs. Bustier ditched us when joker and his goons came. Mrs. Bustier is going to get sued that's for sure.

The day after that was rather uneventful. We drove back to the manor and went to sleep thinking of the next day, which will be spent in the mall as the day after tomorrow is the ball and dont forget Lila's downfall. And I've also been thinking of revealing myself as MDC. Can't wait to see the liar's face.

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