Chapter 5

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        I woke up the next morning with a scowl on my face. Got ready and changed into this-

had my breakfast and got ready for school

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had my breakfast and got ready for school. Alfred drove me to school.


I finished my homework and started playing with Titus. After a while father told us to get ready as we had to go welcome the french class. This better be good.

We drove to the hotel and waited in the lounge area. After a while they arrived. Father welcomed them and told them their schedule, and then he called the contest winner a girl with sausage hair came forward. Father asked her, her name she said Layla or something. But we found out that she was lying. And they had left the winner and their friends at the airport. So Grayson went off to find them. And the teacher wasn't even worried.

We were waiting for them to come back, But Layla kept flirting with us, and imagine that she doesn't even know English.

The students who were left behind, came and were talking, but I didn't pay attention until someone hesitantly called out,"Damian?". My head shot up.

That voice, I know that voice. It hasn't changed that much. I found her. She had the same bluebell hair and eyes.

"Ukhti?", I asked

She nodded and gave me a tight hug and i hugged back equally. "I missed you" we said in unison and then started laughing.

We turned around and saw that everyone was looking at us slack-jawed, even my brothers as they never heard me laugh before.My brothers were giving me questioning looks so were Ukhti's friends. We sent them a look saying later, which i think freaked them out as we gave them the look at the same time.

Then Ayla I think that's her name said,"Stop, doing this for attention Maritrash, i wonder how i even lived with you as my best friend."

Ukhti was ready to retort and I can see this is hard for her so I took my Katana and placed it at Alya girl's neck, even mari's friends were ready to beat her up.

I said in a calm, menacing voice,"What did you say to her?"

"Maritrash", she had the audacity to say

"You will not call her that, clear? I said am i CLEAR?", I said.

Alya was shaking by the time i was done talking, but before she can answer ukhti talked,

"Damian, enough"

"But-", I started to protest. I will not let my sister get bullied, especially if I recently found her.

"Enough Damian, we will talk later and give me your katana and thank you for standing up for me but I can do it on my own."

I sighed and gave it to her.

My brothers if possible were more shocked as I never gave anyone my katana willingly.

We finished telling the class what to do and then I remembered that ukhti was going to stay with the incompetent teacher, which is not going to happen. So I called father and asked him if some people from the class can come and stay in the manor. After a lot of convincing he agreed.

So I went to ukhti and said,"You're not going to stay here, you and your friends are coming with us."

She was about to protest but i continued,"and i'm not letting you go away from me again. Please come with us. I have to tell them about you.", I pleaded with her.

She finally said yes. So she and her friends took their luggage and got in the limo with us. As soon as the limo started we both got bombarded with questions. When it became too much we shouted for them to be quite.

Then I said that we will explain once we got home.So the rest of the car ride was quite. But suddenly Ukhti got a video call. Her eyes widened and she picked the call and said,"Hey Uncle Jagged". Only those words and my brothers jaw was on the floor.

"Rock'n Roll Marinette, how is Gotham?"Jagged Stone asked.

"It's good they forgot us on the airport, but I found my brother."She said, and my brothers looked at us and realized that we were siblings.

"They left you at the airport!!! That too in Gotham!!! Nette, i really don't know why you don't let me sue them"He said, clearly angry.

"It's ok you can sue after we expose her, which is going to happen quite soon.",I said.

"Nette who is talking?"

She turned her phone towards me and said,"Jagged, this my brother Damian."

"Wayne?"he asked and I nodded.

"Nette, I think you have many famous people who can sue Lila and the class for hurting you. Audrey Bourgeouis and Madam Tsurugi are like mothers to you, Clara Nightingale is like a cousin to you, you are my niece and now you are Bruce Wayne's daughter and not to mention other celebrities who you've commisioned they'll surely back their favourite designer.",he stated.

"Don't worry Jagged, Queenie will be on Marinette's side."Chloe states while checking her nails.(just so you know queen is a famous lawyor. Chloe is Queenie)

"I have no doubt about that"He chuckles.

"Kagami Tsurugi too", Kagami states in a no-nonsense tone.

"We are here too"Luka said and the nodded.

"The Waynes are there too, we are standing behind our sister."said Tim and the others confirmed. Then Jagged had to go and the rest of the ride was quite.

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