Chapter 9: Tadashi

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  The return to S
       It was S night. The first one Ainosuke had planned on being at in a while, and of course, he had asked Tadashi to be by his side. Who was Tadashi to say no to such a request, especially when he knew how the other was trying to better himself to make up for the past Adam.
    It was about 9, they were back at home and Tadashi was getting ready. He had already pulled on a hoodie when Ainosuke knocked on his door. He pulled the door open to reveal Ainosuke holding two masks.
    "Are you dressed Ainosuke," he asked, accepting one of the masks from the other.
"Mhm, I figured this would be the start of a much calmer era of my S attire," he said. Tadashi smiled and nodded. "Wonderful, let's have some tea before we head out," Tadashi hummed.
    The two of them walked to the kitchen together, their conversation quiet, but excited as they discussed their hopes for how the night would go. They were both excited for S, Ainosuke to make his return, and Tadashi to make a proper entrance into S.
     Tadashi had always been behind the scenes, to be within the community as a skater, needless to say it was an exciting moment for the older of the two.
     After their tea, the two grabbed their boards and belongings before they officially made their way to the S track.
     They parked their car before making their way to the start of the way into the mines. "Hmm... Here we go, are you ready Snake," he asked, glancing at Tadashi.
     Tadashi smiled softly behind his mask. "I do believe I am ready, Adam," he said. They made their way down the road, Tadashi taking notes of those he did and didn't see on his way in, almost like a mental checklist.
     He made note of Shadow, trying to avoid a beef if possible, he saw Cherry, Joe, Snow, Reki, even the younger one, Miya. He skated past them, not so much as glancing their way, hoping not to catch their attention.
     The last thing Tadashi wanted was to be forced into a Beef on the first night he actually attends S. He just wanted to skate. He glanced back to Ainosuke, who was looking dead ahead of them. "Adam, do you think they've realised yet," he asked.
    "That it's me? Not likely. I'm sure someone would have said something. I'll have to make an announcement," he said. He couldn't see it very clearly, but he could hear the smirk in Ainosuke's voice.
    Tadashi rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say" he hummed. Shortly after, Ainosuke was ready for his announcement.
     "Good evening everyone, it's been quite a while," he greeted with a wave of his arms. "I do believe it is the beginning of a new Era of S, therefore, with that announcement, may the skating commence. I'm excited to see how this era will play out," he said.
     With that, he walked away. There were murmurs of "was that really Adam?" Or "what changed." Tadashi hummed from where he stood, picking up his board and walking towards the start line. He glanced at his watch to start a timer and was interrupted by a call.
     "Hey! You're that guy from the tournament," called the voice. He turned to see the redhead from before, joined by the rest of that crew. He nodded to him. "I'm Snake," he greeted. "You're with Adam," Cherry piped in. "I work for him, yes," he added, kicking up his board and holding it under his arm.
     Cherry seemed to eye Tadashi, clearly not thinking the best thoughts about him. "I uhm... I'm gonna go now," he started. "No wait, I'm recalling your race in the tournament now, you were quite fast. Why did you join? I'd assume Adam wasn't too pleased with you joining," Cherry said, crossing his arms.
     "I told him that if I won, he'd quit skating forever. I'd thought that me introducing him to skating when we were young was the biggest mistake of my life. And I'll be honest, at that moment in time, it was," he said, looking Cherry in the eyes, meeting his harsh gaze.
     "But I'm hoping that this 'new era' he's speaking of is going to bring a change to his past ways. I'm hoping the old Adam died when that final race in the tournament was finished," Tadashi said.
      "Because you don't want him to be alone anymore," Snow asked, looking at him. "I suppose so, but I feel it's more I don't want us to be alone anymore," he said.
     "It was lovely talking to you all, now if you'll excuse me," he turned back to the track, pushing the button on his watch before he took off on the board, down the pathway.
     Tadashi couldn't help but reflect on what he told them. He hadn't said anything that he didn't find truthful. He really did hope that this new era would be the start of a new Adam.
   Maybe, just maybe, Tadashi could help him to start to right his wrongs. It would be a long journey, but maybe fixing everything that had been done would be what pieced S together into a better community.
     When he crossed the finish line he hit his watch, taking note of the time.before turning, seeing Adam standing in front of him. "Are you enjoying yourself Snake," he asked, stepping towards him.
    "Indeed I am Adam, let's continue this, together," he said, holding out his hand to the other. However, in his expecting a handshake, his eyes widened slightly as Ainosuke laced their fingers together.   
      "I thought you'd never ask," the other smiled softly.
Me: oh it's summer, I'll upload more frequently now
Also me: *hasn't uploaded since early July*

Uhm anyway, here's this part <3
   The rest of the crew is here, and they will be here more often, especially now that they've returned to S. I'm hoping to start working through one by one in fixing things, so yeah.
   I hope you enjoyed <3 school starts this week so yikes.

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