Chapter 5: Tadashi

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    Tadashi pulled on a light jacket, humming to himself slightly. He walked to his desk and pulled out a small book, flipping through the pages quickly before landing on the page he desired and slipping the attached piece of ribbon between the pages to hold it's place.
    He slid the book into his pocket and checked himself in the mirror one last time. Dark grey jeans, a light grey t-shirt, and the jacket he usually wore to S. He sighed before walking to the door.
    He felt plain, most people wore clothes that represented their personality. If that was the case, then he was bland. He walked down to where Ainosuke was now waiting. He waved at him. "Let's take the car, then we can park and walk the rest of the way," he said.
     Tadashi simply nodded in return, walking to grab the keys. It wasn't often they went out casually. Usually they only made business runs or late night escapes. Ainosuke grabbed their two masks which were hanging up, as well as his hat. It was easier for them to go out casually, when Ainosuke wasn't as recognizable.
     They walked to the car, Ainosuke getting in the passenger seat. Tadashi got in and started the car, the other connecting his phone to the car's radio and playing whatever random playlist he clicked on.
      Tadashi pulled out of the garage and made his way to town. They didn't talk much throughout the drive, enjoying the music and each other's company as they went.
      When he saw the parking area, Tadashi pulled in. He parked the car and pocketed the keys, looking to Ainosuke. "Ready to go Sir," he asked.
     "Mhm, let's go," he said, unbuckling his seatbelt and opening the door. Tadashi did the same, both of them standing out from the car.
     Ainosuke lead the way as they walked down the street. Glancing down at his phone occasionally to make sure he was going the right direction. He was humming quietly to himself as he made his way down the crowded sidewalk.
      Tadashi followed him as closely as he could, not wanting to lose sight of him, Ainosuke being much harder to notice when there was something covering that blue head of hair.
     Sure, Ainosuke was tall, but there were many tall people in the area. There were many people in the area in general. The two made their way down and around the area, before stopping in front of the shop that Ainosuke had usually gotten his boards from.
     "Ah, Adam, you're back for a new board," the man asked. He was leaning against the wall behind the counter, the shop had a bunch of specially made boards up on racks around the walls. There were surfboards, skateboards, Tadashi was even sure he could see a couple pairs of roller skates through the open door beside the man.
      "Indeed I am, it's time for a new era. And besides, Snake also needs a new board, so it worked out perfectly," Ainosuke was smiling brightly. Tadashi looked back to the man in front of them when he heard his S name. He still wasn't quite used to it yet, but it would grow on him.
   "Alright, well I'll talk to you both one on one so I can take notes for your ideas and then I'll call you when they're done," the man said. Ainosuke walked back with him first, leaving Tadashi to sit in his own thoughts, looking around the shop once more.
      About 15 minutes later, the other two emerged from the back room, Ainosuke smiling brightly. "You're up Snake," the man smiled. Tadashi nodded and made his way past Ainosuke to follow the other man into the back room, sitting on the couch and pulling out his notebook as he looked to the man in front of him.
      "Uhm... I don't really have much of an idea for the bottom of the deck... But I was hoping you could put this on the Nose of the grit," Tadashi explained, opening the notebook and showing him the sketch he had done of the double heart symbol that had been etched into the pool for as long as he could remember.
     "I can do that," he replied, copying down the design of the hearts onto paper with a small smile on his face. "Now, for the bottom of your deck, your name is Snake, is it not," he asked, leaning back in his chair. "Well yes," Tadashi nodded.
       "I thought so. I'm thinking a mostly black background, with a brightly colored blue and green snake across the deck of the board," the man explained, mainly thinking out loud. Tadashi looked up at him. "uhm, is there any way we can fit an apple into that imagery," he asked. The man smirked, "one step ahead of you man."
       He held up a rough sketch of the board he had in mind. There was no color or bold lines, just rough pencil markings of the snake, partly coiled around an apple. Tadashi nodded excitedly and looked up at the man.
     "Awesome, you two are my only clients at the moment, so I'll get to work on those boards as soon as you two leave. We'll discuss payment at pickup," he said, pushing Tadashi out the door of the backroom.
     Ainosuke and the man nodded to each other before the blue haired man turned to Tadashi. "Ready to go Puppy," he said in a quiet voice. "Mhm, I'm ready," Tadashi smiled.
       And just like that, the two men were back on the crowded streets, making their way through the crowd. This time however, they stood side by side as they walked.
     "I'm feeling a bit hungry Tadashi, would you like to stop somewhere for a bite to eat? Perhaps we can visit some of the natural parks around the city, since we have the day off," Ainosuke suggested. Tadashi glanced up at the man and smiled softly. "I'd quite enjoy that Ainosuke, let's do that," he hummed.
That's all for this chapter. Also I have no idea what I'm gonna make Ainosuke's board look like. I kinda wanna try to draw Tadashi's board myself, but that's a lot of work and I haven't done ink or pencil art in a hot minute so yeah. Anyway, next chapter I'm doing their little last minute "date" because I can :)
Thanks for reading
<3 Ace

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