Chapter 7: Tadashi

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A sick day.
    They didn't have them often, usually if Ainosuke was sick, they just moved around meetings to other days and isolated to Ainosuke's office. A dose of medicine and some soup was all he needed to get through his day.
    But as Tadashi opened the door to Ainosuke's bedroom, he saw the other curled up under his covers. 
     "Ainosuke," Tadashi asked softly, standing in the doorway. When all he got was a groan in return, he slowly made his way to the bed. Ainosuke rolled on his side to face Tadashi and sniffled.
      His nose was red and overall, he just looked miserable. Tadashi sighed softly and gently pressed the back of his hand to Ainosuke's forehead. "You're burning up. I'm cancelling work for the day," he said, pulling out his phone.
     "I'm gonna go get you some soup and medicine, I will be back shortly," Tadashi said, gently brushing his hair through Ainosuke's hair.
       Ainosuke nodded and sniffled once more, Tadashi walked out of the room and opened his calendar to see who all Ainosuke had meetings for. He called each individual person or corporation one by one until everything was cancelled.
     Then, Tadashi made his way to the kitchen. He searched the medicine cabinet first, pulling out some medicine and setting it down on the cabinet. He pulled out a glass and a bowl from the cabinet as well, setting them beside the medicine. He poured a glass of water before starting on making the soup.
      After a short while of soup making, he had enough miso soup to get Ainosuke at least through today's meals, since he hadn't made a large pot. He put the rest away before carrying the tray with the stuff he had prepared back to Ainosuke's room.
     "Ainosuke, are you awake," he asked softly. There was a small nod, followed by an "mhmm". Tadashi smiled softly and walked towards him. "I need you to sit up so you can take your medicine and eat," he said softly.
      "Puppy, are you gonna go to S with me," Ainosuke asked. Tadashi deadpanned. Really, he was trying to get him to eat and this is where his mind was.
     "I plan on it Ainosuke, now sit up so you can eat," Tadashi said, his softer tone going more stern as Ainosuke did what he said. Tadashi's smile returned to his face. "Good job, now here," he said, handing Ainosuke the small cup with the medicine and the glass of water.
        Tadashi watched to make sure Ainosuke took the medicine, seeing as usually sick Ainosuke was a stubborn Ainosuke. Once he was sure he had taken the medicine, he gave Ainosuke the soup. "I'm going to go grab a book, and then I'll sit with you while you rest," he said softly, leaving Ainosuke to his meal.
    Once he had gotten his book, he returned to Ainosuke's room, taking the now finished soup bowl and smiling. "Good job Ainosuke, you should get some rest now," he said. The taller man nodded and curled up once more, closing his eyes.
     Tadashi set the soup bowl on the tray and sat in the armchair beside Ainosuke's bed, he opened his book and started reading quietly to himself, occasionally glancing up to check on the younger man.
      After a bit, Ainosuke woke up from his nap. "Puppy, I got the call last night that the boards are ready," he said suddenly. "That's lovely Ainosuke, we can't go get them until you're well," Tadashi hummed, closing his book and setting it down.
     "I'm starting to feel better, no doubt that's thanks to you. Hopefully we can go get them tomorrow," Ainosuke said. There was still a bit of a slur to his words, clearly still drowsy and not feeling entirely well.
     "If you're feeling better tomorrow, then we shall go get them. For now, you should probably take some more medicine, I could get you some juice this time," Tadashi offered. "Apple," was the grumbled response he got back.
     Tadashi smiled and nodded. "Right away," he walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him carefully as he walked to get Ainosuke his apple juice.
      He poured the glass and returned to the other's room, handing him the glass and his medicine. He took it and set his glass down before rolling over. "Rest well Ainosuke," he said softly before returning to his arm chair.
       After a while, Tadashi checked his temperature carefully. It felt like his fever had gone down, so Tadashi went to get the thermometer, checking what it was at. '99.7°F' (because I don't know Celsius :|)
"Still kind of high, but it's not as bad as before," Tadashi thought to himself.
    Ainosuke mumbled in his sleep, before fully waking up. "Puppy I want cuddles," he whined. "Ainosuke, you're still sick. Besides, you've never wanted to cuddle when you were sick before," Tadashi said, glancing at the other.
     Ainosuke pouted before rolling over and crossing his arms, facing away from Tadashi. The older man chuckled softly. "Ainosuke," he called. "No, you don't wanna cuddle me," he mumbled. Tadashi walked around the bed.
     "Open your arms," Tadashi said softly. Ainosuke did as said, spreading his arms out expectantly. Tadashi sighed and crawled into Ainosuke's arms, the younger smiling happily as he hugged Tadashi to him.
      Tadashi smiled and hugged the other back. "Are you going to rest more now Ainosuke," he asked quietly. "Mhmm,"the other hummed, nuzzling his head into Tadashi's shoulder.
    "Alright then, I'll see you in a bit," Tadashi said softly. Within moments, he could feel Ainosuke's breathing soften, his heartbeat soft in his chest as Tadashi smiled.
     And so, Tadashi closed his eyes, making the most of the nap he could get, curled up beside the other. Part of him wished this was his every day. A very large part of him wished that.
Ngl this was kinda a filler. I wanted it to be Ainosuke's focus when they got the boards, but my pattern was on Tadashi, so you get this lovely chapter <3
     Honestly, I picture Ainosuke being the biggest baby when he's sick. He loves being coddled and taken care of, especially since he probably wasn't in his childhood since, the Shindos, Y i k e s.
     Anyway, he's just soft and wants to be taken care of and told that he's doing a good job because he wants love <3
<3 Ace

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