Chapter 4: Ainosuke

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   Here we go besties :) fyi church camp sucks and I'm so excited to leave. (I started writing this while skipping the block party thing) n e way, here's the chapter with the aunt's visit. Also the aunt's don't have names in the Fandom Wiki. :| Enjoy my attempt at this.
     Ainosuke sat on the couch with Tadashi, the two talking quietly and just enjoying their last little bit of freedom before their home was invaded by Ainosuke's aunt's. The doorbell rang and Tadashi stood.
     He set his hand on Ainosuke's shoulder gently, before walking to the door to greet the aunt's. "Good Afternoon," he bowed towards them before stepping aside to let them go inside the home.
     The three aunt's paid Tadashi no mind as they walked through the house. Ainosuke stood to greet the three, placing small kisses on each of their cheeks before they sat down on the couch and chairs.
       "Ainosuke Honey, I assume everything is going well? You're not going to be a disappointment to the Shindo family name are you," the first aunt asked, leaning from her spot on the recliner. "Of course everything's going well Auntie, why wouldn't it be," he responded, smiling brightly. "Good, now for the matter of our visit. Don't you think it's about time you started thinking about marriage," the second aunt asked.
      Tadashi tensed in the doorway, quickly making his way to the kitchen to make food. Ainosuke pursed his lips. "Of course I've thought about it, but I've just been so busy with everything that's happening. In addition to that I'm a very busy man in general, I wouldn't have time to attend to a spouse," Ainosuke said carefully, trying to change the subject as soon as possible.
     "Well of course a wife would have to understand that. Any wife of a politician would know that," the first one piped in again. When Tadashi returned and set the tea down in front of the aunt's, they did little but glare at him.
     "I'm guessing your dog is still following your every command," the second one asked. Tadashi returned to the doorway, keeping expressionless.
    "Of course. Tadashi is a wonderful companion and assistant. He increases my efficiency in the office and helps me keep my schedule arranged," Ainosuke said.
     "Alright, but he's also the kid who tainted your mind with skateboarding. I still think he's a distraction," the third aunt finally popped into the conversation.
    "Of course he's not a distraction Auntie, if it wasn't for him I'd be horribly disorganized," he said. This was the same Conversation that they always had. His aunt trying to convince him of things that were distractions or things that they seemed more "important" for him to focus on.
     To be honest, Ainosuke was exhausted with them. He dreaded their visits, hoping for them to leave as quickly as possible. His aunts didn't seem convinced. They all exchanged glances before sipping the tea in front of them. 

   "Well Aunties, I really hate to cut your visit short, but I just got the notification of a very important meeting I have to attend to at city hall. I assume you wouldn't mind," he fibbed, putting on a fake smile that he hoped appeared genuine enough to fool the women. 

     "Yes, I suppose. We should be headed off then, our flight was arranged to be quite soon after all. However, we were serious about the marriage Ainosuke. Time is of the essence at your age," the third aunt said, standing from her spot. She gestured to the other two women who were sitting.
     They all three stood, kissing Ainosuke on the cheek as they made their way to the door. Tadashi waited as they left, closing the door behind them before he let out a sigh of relief.
     "Marriage huh," Ainosuke mumbled. He hadn't ever wanted to think about marriage. He had always been too focused on skating and his image as a politician. In addition to that, he realised that the person who he wanted by his side, had always been by his side. And to think that he had been deemed a "distraction" by his aunts. Ainosuke stood from the couch and looked to Tadashi. "My aunt's may not approve. But I have no intention of finding a wife. Life continues as always," he said.
     When he walked past the dark haired man, he put his hand on his shoulder. "There's no more meeting today, correct," he asked. Tadashi glanced at him and nodded. "Then prepare to go out. I need to commission for a new board, and I think it's time we get one for you as well," he said, dropping his hand from the other's shoulder.
     He saw the soft smile on Tadashi's face and nodded. They parted ways to their own rooms. When going out for things like this, they both preferred to dress down. Taking advantage of the time where they don't have to be professional, to just try to be casual.
      As he got ready, Ainosuke pondered what he was going to get for a new board... Along with that, he pondered what his assistant was going to design for his own board. Would Tadashi be joining him at S as Snake?
     Many questions were floating around in his head. And He settled that they would be questions that time would soon answer.
Yeah there's that besties. I don't know. I'm not that proud of this chapter, but that's probably just because I don't like the aunts. Also the fact that they straight up didn't have names. :| Anyway, hope you liked this, hopefully the next chapter will be more enjoyable to read.
    Also I didn't reread this to see if it's trash, so enjoy

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